QuickBasic includes a compiler Qbasic does not.
QuickBasic has a little more available.
Qbasic replaced GWBASIC starting with DOS version 5.0
QuickBasic 4.5 is still the most popular version and most
libraries you see are written for that version.
PDS (QuickBasic version 7.x) included a currency floating
point type (four decimal places) for better handling of
dollars and cents calculations and a isam file system.
(indexed sequential access mode) for easier creation /
maintenance of databases.
Wow! I have quickbasic 7.1. I always thought they were the same. So, most people would have quickbasic versions. But, for the sake of briefness, I will always write qbasic or qb.
Ok, I found some stuff in an interrupt file, now what do I do with it?
-04h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to update directory info in related SFT
call with ESI -> system file table entry for file (see below)
AX = subfunction (apply to each related SFT)
00h: update time stamp (offset 0Dh) and date
stamp (offset 0Fh)
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