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Time Restriction acting weird.

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Technical User
Jul 6, 2001
Please help,

I'm using NW6 with SP3. Also running ArcServe Backup 9.0. The problem is with the time restricition. When the server is rebooted the server will terminate user at the proper time and every day it add 34 seconds to the time. Pushing the logout later and later.

Does anybody had this problem before or lead me to some informations.


You should set your server up so that it is polling time from a global time source. Use this TID:

Also, on another topic, make sure you also have the NW6NSS3C Patch applied. this will help you avoid nss file corruption probs.

Marvin Huffaker MCNE, CNE
Marvin Huffaker Consulting
Your idea is really good but will it make any difference if this is the only server in the tree. The 34 second is according the the server's clock itself not an external time reference. As for the NW6NSS3C I will check this out.

Thanks and I'll let you know of the results.
yes it is still valid
you want to avoid using bios clocks for time
they are a bit flakey and can give you some major issues
setting to a external source is definately the way to go
Yes, to confirm what Terry said, you need to sync up with an external time source if you want to ensure the time is always accurate. I see bios clocks all the time that run either fast or slow. The reason you're seeing a gradual time shift is due to your BIOS clock running fast.

Marvin Huffaker MCNE, CNE
Marvin Huffaker Consulting
I did setup the time synch according marvhuffaker info. I'll let you guys know the results. Later.
Hi guys,

The Server Time synchronisation is up to date since thursday. However my Time Restriction Login Out is still adding 34 second every day. When I configured the time source to U.S. Naval Observatory the logout came back to normal as if I had shutdown the server but only for the first night.

Any more clue would be appreciated.

If it's still adding 34 seconds, it's not synching properly. Turn on your Time Debugger. In MONITOR ==> SERVER PARAMETERS ==> TIME == TIMESYNC DEBUG = 15.. then switch to the TimeSynch Debugger screen.

you should see something like this:

Start Poll
^^^Polled server MARS (Reference/Single Reference)
offset.h = 00000000 offset.l = 0413050F
Uniform Adjustment Requested: +15 Milliseconds
This server is configured as a SECONDARY
Mon Dec 22 20:55:51 2003

If you don't see that, then it's not working. Plus you should get some error messages that you can further troubleshoot.

Marvin Huffaker MCNE, CNE
Marvin Huffaker Consulting

I do have that screen, I had the debug setup to 7 instead of 15. Move it to 15 for about 1/2 hours but don't see anything more.

I did the setup according to the TID included in your previous reply and the only difference is my server is setup as a SINGLE REFFERENCE. Is this a good thing or should it be a SECONDARY?

Single is fine. 7 is fine too for the debug. I think that it only puts it to screen at 7.. at 15 it also logs it.

You should be able to do a "TIME" at the console and have it report that time is synchronized.

When you are looking at the time debug screen, do you get the status as listed in my previous post? Or do you have other stuff going on as well. If you could copy/paste what you're getting, that would help tremendously.

Marvin Huffaker MCNE, CNE
Marvin Huffaker Consulting
Here is a sample of the last time poll as you will notice there is no other message going in between the polling.

Start poll
^^^Polled server NTP Source
offset.h = FFFFFFFF offset.l = F59EDF4B
Uniform Adjustment Requested: -40 Milliseconds
This Server is configured as a SINGLE REFERENCE
Tue Dec 23 18:05:27 2003

Start poll
^^^Polled server NTP Source
offset.h = 00000000 offset.l = 02CB794E
Uniform Adjustment Requested: -10 Milliseconds
This Server is configured as a SINGLE REFERENCE
Tue Dec 23 18:15:21 2003

Start poll
^^^Polled server NTP Source
offset.h = FFFFFFFF offset.l = FB15E16E
Uniform Adjustment Requested: -19 Milliseconds
This Server is configured as a SINGLE REFERENCE
Tue Dec 23 18:25:15 2003

Start poll
^^^Polled server NTP Source
offset.h = FFFFFFFF offset.l = FB843A8B
Uniform Adjustment Requested: -17 Milliseconds
This Server is configured as a SINGLE REFERENCE
Tue Dec 23 18:35:09 2003
So Time is good. Can you clarify this sentence from one of your previous posts? "The Server Time synchronisation is up to date since thursday. However my Time Restriction Login Out is still adding 34 second every day."

What exactly do you mean Time Restriction Login Out, and where are you seeing it add 34 seconds... Please explain.

Marvin Huffaker MCNE, CNE
Marvin Huffaker Consulting
The time difference is seen going through the SYSTEM ERR LOG. Tuesday through friday at 12:35am everybody with the time restriction should be disconnected. When the server has been rebooted during the day, everything start at the appropriate time. Every following days it add around 34 seconds to the time it start quicking people out. After 2 weeks or so, one day per week it actualy gain 34 second. (34 second earlier than the night before). Usualy on thursday. I am not the one who originaly install this server but there is nothing special schedule.

The server keep is time with no problem. It is the only server in the Tree.

I tried to find some details on what is involved in the disconnection and what parameter can affect the whole mecanism. But no luck.
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