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time of day vector steps

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Feb 10, 2003
I have been playing around with a test vdn/vector trying to get a TOD vector to work. I cant seem to make it go to the normal hours announcement 30023 whatever I do to the times.

Would you guys mind looking at this and see what I have wrong?


change vector 47                                                Page   1 of   2
                                  CALL VECTOR

    Number: 47               Name: TOD test vector
Multimedia? n      Attendant Vectoring? n    Meet-me Conf? n           Lock? n
     Basic? y   EAS? y   G3V4 Enhanced? y   ANI/II-Digits? y   ASAI Routing? y
 Prompting? y   LAI? y  G3V4 Adv Route? y   CINFO? y   BSR? y   Holidays? y
 Variables? y   3.0 Enhanced? y
01 wait-time    2   secs hearing ringback
02 goto step    4             if time-of-day      is mon 17:31 to fri 07:59
03 goto step    5             if time-of-day      is mon 08:00 to fri 17:30
04 announcement 30013
05 collect      1    digits after announcement 30023    for none
06 goto step    9             if digits           =      1
07 goto step    10            if digits           =      2
08 goto step    11            if digits           =      3
09 goto vector  48   @step 1  if unconditionally
10 goto vector  49   @step 1  if unconditionally
11 goto vector  50   @step 1  if unconditionally
12 wait-time    6   secs hearing music

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

Is Step 4 your 'Sorry we're closed' announcement? The way the vector is written, beginning at 5:31 PM on Monday through 7:59 AM on Friday, all calls will go to Step 4.

Try the following:

Step 2 Go to Step 4 if time-of-day is Friday 17:30 to Monday 08:00
Step 3 Go to Step 5 if time-of-day is all 08:00 to all 17:30
Step 4 Announcement 30013
Step 5 Stop
Step 6 Collect 1 digit after announcement 30023

Thanks Kevin, I'll give it a shot and let you know how it turns out.

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

01 goto step            6 if time-of-day      is mon 17:31 to tue 07:59
02 goto step            6 if time-of-day      is tue 17:31 to wed 07:59
03 goto step            6 if time-of-day      is wed 17:31 to thu 07:59
04 goto step            6 if time-of-day      is thu 17:31 to fri 07:59
05 goto step            6 if time-of-day      is fri 17:31 to mon 07:59
06 announcement 30013
07 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is mon 08:00 to mon 17:31
08 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is tue 08:00 to tue 17:31
09 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is wed 08:00 to wed 17:31
10 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is thu 08:00 to thu 17:31
11 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is fri 08:00 to fri 17:31
12 collect      1       digits after announcements 30023        for none
13 goto step    16              if digits             =          1
14 goto step    16              if digits             =          2
15 goto step    16              if digits             =          3

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


37 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 27 years and counting
I made the change to whats listed below and it's still going to the out-of-hours announcement 30013. Even after adding normal hours steps for the 30023 announcement. Any ideas?

01 wait-time    2   secs hearing ringback
02 goto step    9             if time-of-day      is mon 17:30 to mon 07:59
03 goto step    9             if time-of-day      is tue 17:30 to tue 07:59
04 goto step    9             if time-of-day      is wed 17:30 to wed 07:59
05 goto step    9             if time-of-day      is thu 17:30 to thu 07:59
06 goto step    9             if time-of-day      is fri 17:30 to fri 07:59
07 goto step    9             if time-of-day      is sat 12:01 to sun 23:59
08 goto step    9             if time-of-day      is sun 12:01 to mon 07:59
09 announcement 30013
10 goto step    13            if time-of-day      is mon 08:00 to mon 17:29
11 goto step    13            if time-of-day      is tue 08:00 to tue 17:29
12 goto step    13            if time-of-day      is wed 08:00 to wed 17:29
13 collect      1    digits after announcement 30013    for none
14 goto vector  48   @step 1  if digits = 1

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

Mikey, that does not look close to the example.
look at your days, compare them to the days on my example for the first 5 steps.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


37 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 27 years and counting
Isn't there some 'time of day/day of the week' options screen where this can be all set up? I think it was in 5.X and later.

'Knows enough to be dangerous. Wait... make that really dangerous.'
Well first off you have the same announcement playing regardless of time of day.
I saw that when reviewing my post Carol and made the change on the vector but not my post. Then saw it on my post afterwards.

I sure wish we could edit post around here.. :)

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

She's correct

01 goto step            11 if time-of-day      is mon 17:31 to tue 07:59
02 goto step            11 if time-of-day      is tue 17:31 to wed 07:59
03 goto step            11 if time-of-day      is wed 17:31 to thu 07:59
04 goto step            11 if time-of-day      is thu 17:31 to fri 07:59
05 goto step            11 if time-of-day      is fri 17:31 to mon 07:59
06 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is mon 08:00 to mon 17:31
07 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is tue 08:00 to tue 17:31
08 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is wed 08:00 to wed 17:31
09 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is thu 08:00 to thu 17:31
10 goto step            12 if time-of-day      is fri 08:00 to fri 17:31
11 announcement 30013
12 collect      1       digits after announcements 30023        for none
13 goto step    16              if digits             =          1
14 goto step    16              if digits             =          2
15 goto step    16              if digits             =          3

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


37 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 27 years and counting
Makes me nervous that you don't have a STOP or something after step 11. Otherwise if I'm reading it correctly the call logic will just drop down through to step 12.
I did manage to get his working. I'll post the vector below in case someone else tries to figure out how to setup TOD steps for some of their groups. For some reason (I'll find it) the vector seemed to want the normal hours (collect digit steps) announcement first then the last steps were the disconnect after announcement 30013. Anyway, I appreciate the help with the afternoon brainteaser..

change vector 47                                                Page   1 of   2
                                  CALL VECTOR

    Number: 47               Name: TOD test vector
Multimedia? n      Attendant Vectoring? n    Meet-me Conf? n           Lock? n
     Basic? y   EAS? y   G3V4 Enhanced? y   ANI/II-Digits? y   ASAI Routing? y
 Prompting? y   LAI? y  G3V4 Adv Route? y   CINFO? y   BSR? y   Holidays? y
 Variables? y   3.0 Enhanced? y
01 wait-time    2   secs hearing ringback
02 goto step    8             if time-of-day      is fri 17:30 to mon 07:59
03 goto step    8             if time-of-day      is all 16:15 to all 07:59
04 collect      1    digits after announcement 30023    for none
05 goto vector  48   @step 1  if digits           =      1
06 goto vector  49   @step 1  if digits           =      2
07 goto vector  50   @step 1  if digits           =      3
08 disconnect   after announcement 30013
09 stop

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

first @Avayatier3: I can NOT believe you are working at Avaya or if you did, ever programmed a vector: that bad... (but I cannot believe you didn't learn that also;-)
step 1 - 3 in the last post, is the way how I see Avaya always does it.

@Mikey: you are getting there!

put a stop after 7 or a goto step 4.
or people will hear 'we are closed' if they press anything else then 123, or nothing!

2nd: what are your opening hours?
in this scenario:
monday - friday: 08:00 - 16:14
this is ok, but to make it more readable: replace 17:30 for 16:15 in step2.
Change service-hours-table 1

Set the open times for each day in there

in your vector

02 goto step 4 if service-hours in table 1

much much easier - especially if yo have multiple vectors

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
Thanks for the replies. I made the 16:14 just to test it. The actual working hours will very but most will be 16:30 or 17:00. But I will change that as I get closer to deployment. Also the stop placed after 7 sounds like a good idea.


The "change service hour table 1" must be a for a newer replace of the call center options than what I have. It doesn't seem to be an option on Call center 3.0. But I like the idea and may look at upgrading to a newer version.

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

>It doesn't seem to be an option on Call center 3.0.

Sorry, I'd got the impression you were running a later version than that.

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
No problem Matt. I appreciate the thought..

When is the last time you helped someone, just because you were able to?

For the best response to a question, read faq690-6594

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