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ti4200 video capture 1

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Technical User
Dec 11, 2002
i have tried many different drivers and different ways to install the wdm capture device. still it wont work. in my device manager there is an error listed in the device driver properties. also error code 10 can not start this device. is it possible it has a conflict with the legacy video capture installed with windows? i would check but this device cannot be disabled only uninstalled.
I have the same card and the same problem, if you'll figure it out pleeeeeaaaaase tell me what to do with it.Thanks
well. its been a while and i kinda gave up, but. i was told the capture drivers must be installed first. so uninstall your vid drivers, reboot, install your capture drivers, reboot, then install your vid drivers. im told this will work but i never tried it.
Thaks, I'll try it and let you know(if your are still interested).
Damn, it doesnt work, maybe it would work after a clean install of windovs, but Im not enthusiastic about doing taht.
the original reason i bought this card was for my mini dv video capture. having had a great deal of difficulty with the composite video port/wdm drivers i resorted to a firewire card. the firewire card works great and is as fast. my suggestion is buy a firewire card and try that, they are cheap and will get you by in the interim.
Hey :))

Make sure you installed the latest NVidia drivers (4.09) and the latest WDM driver (1.22). You can leave the Legacy Capture device in the Device Manager just install the WDM drivers. Also check your resources, I had a similar problem and I found out it was because my SB Live and Ti4200 were using the same IRQ (11). I was surprised at this cause normally you don't need an IRQ for your VGA card and Windows XP Pro manages system resources better then most MS OS's. Virtual Dub is a free capturing software that can do some pretty good capturing.

Hi, I have both- 41.09 detonators and 1.22 WDM drivers, but it doesnt work, I also looked for IRQ shareing and I found out that my VGA iss shareing one port (IRQ 11) with network adapter. Do you think this is the problem? How can I get rid of it?(can it be managed directly from windows or do I have to remove the net card from its slot and put it into another to change its IRQ?).Thanks for help
one thing i learnt while trying to fix this was that the later wdm drivers are for 8x agp. cant remember the drivers for 4x but they werent the latest. i also noticed that the irq's for the sblive and ti card were the same but wasnt sure if it was important, also dont know how to fix that.
Strangely enough it does seem to matter, I was surpised my self since I havent had a whammy like this with Windows XP as it is more common with windows 98.

To change your IRQ's first find one that is not used. You can try moving it to other free PCI slot this might some times work, however most BIOS's lets you change the IRQ set for a PCI slot. Sound cards is normally set to IRQ 5, COM ports 1 and 2 set to IRQ's 3 and 4. If you have a internal PCI 56k mode try to set it to the one of the COM port IRQ's as it will some time take IRQ 5 for its own. Also remember that if you are not using your COM/serial port you can free up an IRQ by disabling it in the BIOS. PCI slot 1 is normally the slot closest to the CPU and 2,3,4 ect... follows from their on.

NVidia ( aka the manufacturer of the chip set for Geforce Cards) provides the latest drivers on there website, these driver are a little old (3rd of Decemeber 2002) due to a new benchmarking software recently released that did not optimize the code for ATI or NVIDIA chipset cards they might release a updated graphics drivers for download soon. Some sites already have the beta drivers available.

It should not matter if you use the 4X or the 8X AGP card VGA card with these drivers as the drivers, besides the AGP BUS drivers normally gets installed with your motherboard chipset drivers (not the VGA drivers).
If anyone in this thread has fixed this problem please let me know. I have called ASUS several times and they have no idea how to fix it. I sent my board back and received a new one and still the same problem. Code 10, no capture, and you can not even install the capture driver from the cd rom because it is greyed out. The last thing they told me to try was to uninstall XP and start over. I told them before I did that I would buy a different card. They did not seem to care. This is the worst support I have ever received.
I had the same exact problem. The first thing you do is make sure that it's not your comp or operating system.
I tried my card in other comps and foudn out that the code 10 happened everywhere, so I just exchanged it for a new one. The problem is that the WDM capture device burns out very quickly, and you need to just get a dedicated capture card. Stay away from Nvidia Capture Cards!!!!
Hello all. I have a Asus V8420 Deluxe card and do have the same problem as described in this thread, but I also have problems with TV-out. So does anyone with this WDM capture problem get TV-out to work? When I tried a program called tvtool8 is says that the TV-Chip is "None". It's supposed to be SAA7108AE. Both the capture and tv-out use this chip right?

I read somewhere that this chip was sensitive to the power-supply, and that bying one with good quality and capacity could help. Can someone confirm this?

Thanks in Advance
I have the best power supply in my Antec case and it did nothing. This card is bugged up and they will not admit it. Send it back and get your money. It does not work with XP at all.
You have to do more than just d/l the wdm driver. (1.22) You then have to uninstall the old one and let windows redetect hw changes. Then you have to MANUALLY tell it where the driver is. (In this case C:\nvidia\wdm\1.22 or something.) My v8460 and v9280 capture fine.
Well only if you already have the older drivers install then yes. I would not really uninstall them "Update driver" option under windows device manager works a lot better then uninstall. With uninstall the drivers stays on your system with updating the driver will replace the driver. Windows XP and 2k does make backups of the old driver and can be "Rolled back" when you need to but otherwise the don't get re-used.

I had this problem with the capturing not working:

I had the out dated WDM drivers, the code 10 error caused by my SB live card using the same IRQ. The TV encoding was not set for PAL which is what my TV and VCR use. The Default capture setting was set to TV Tuner and not for the Video In.

I have solved it myself with no help from anybody.
Now I can do large rez captures with no problems ;)
HardKnox, can you leave detailed instructions or email me at cantbebawt@aol.com on how you corrected it. I am using XP.

Sorry cantbebawt but emailing the solution to you won't help anybody else with this problem.

With all problems you need to go down to the very basics. This is also very helpfull when your system has a specific problem like locking up or crashing.

Step 1) Back up all your data or use a spare drive that you can format.

Step 2) Disconnect any hardware from your system that is not required. E.g. Sound card, modem, network card.
All you need it a motherboard CPU, your Ti4200 hard rive floppy drive and CDROM inside your case.

Step 3) Install a new install of Windows XP and the latest Service Pack

Step 4) Install the latest Motherboard Chipset drivers, then install the latest DirectX and after that the latest or Video Drivers (from
Step 5) Install the WDM 1.22 and then your Video Capture software make sure that you set the region settings for your country (PAL if your in the Pasific region NTSC if your in America etc...). You won't need to uninstall the "Legacy Video Capture driver"

Step 6) Confirm you have no resource conflict in the Device manager. If you do reboot and try to reconfigure the IRQ's manually in the BIOS setup.

Step 7) Connect your VideoIn on your Video Card to the VideoOut on your TV/VCR. Run your Capture software, set your capture settings Video Composite if you use the RCA Jacks or S-Video if you use the 4pin mini DIN port (Default is set to TV Tuner). Make sure your display/View mode is set to Overlay and not Preview. You should get a signal now.

If the picture is cut short try to reconfigure the overlay size in the display properties or in the Capture software.
Also make sure again that your Region encoding is set to the right mode (PAL or NTSC and so on...)

Step 8) If you have done the above 7 Steps right and you have a video feed, you can power down your system and start installing one by one each of you other adapters checking after each install that your Video Capture still works. If you find that one of the adapter cards causes problems try moving it to another PCI slot or swapping it with another adapter in your system.

Hope it works for you as it worked for me!

HardKnox, thanks for taking the time with that response. Like I told the Asus people, if I need to go through all of that to make a video card work, there is something wrong with their card and I will return it and get a diffrent brand. There is no way in this world that you should need to re=install your OS to make a video card work properly. This is a problem on there end that they should address.
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