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Thumbnail gallery 4

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Technical User
Mar 28, 2001
I am a dreamweaver4 newbie, and I would like to create a website to display my digital artwork. There's probably a simple answer to my question, but if ya don't ask, you'll never know! I would like to create a thumbnail gallery that will aloow the viewer to click on the thumb to view the full sized image. Ideally, I would like the thumb to link to a page that allows the viewer a choice of resolutions, but for now I just want to stick to basics and have it link to the full sized image, as mentioned before. I would be grateful for any advice on this. Thanks!
Well, the easiest way to do that is to make an .asp page. But if you're new to web design, I won't even go there. If I were you, I'd get each picture, and in my graphic program, resize them to really small pics and name them t1.jpg. So you'll have t1.jpg which is a link to 1.jpg, the full size pic.

If you're interested in the .asp, look here, this is what I mean, it's the same thing you're talking about.

It's only a 4 line script you would have to type in, and it's very easy.

The thing about that is, it's only 2 pages! Instead of each pic having it's own page, we do it dynamically with 2 pages.

If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
actually if you have Dreamweaver4 and Fireworks.... there is a little feature under commands(I think... may have to look for it in the menu...) that will build the thing for you.

You specify the folder that contains your graphics or photos or whatever and it will build a nice little gallery of thumbnails that will take you to the big picture when clicked on.

the HTML can be customized however you like after it puts the thing together. You could even create a css style sheet that is attached to the root directory to specify all the colors and text and such.

just some ideas I thought I would throw at you. Ya' Gotta Love It!
I know what you're talking about. All it really does though is it takes your pictures, 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, and writes the code:

<IMG SRC=&quot;images/1.jpg&quot; HEIGHT=&quot;70&quot; WIDTH=&quot;50&quot;>

So in reality, you're loading the entire picture. And if you have a page with 20 pictures, each at 100kb, you're talking huge dl times because you're still dl 2000kb.


If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
You are correct about the coding which is exactly how anyone would do it even if you coded it by hand in notepad, unless of course you use ASP or something similar.

If I am not mistaken the command actually makes a whole separate set of thumbs that are sized according to your specs. and therefore even though the big picture would be 100k the little thumbs will be as little as 5k-10k or less.

Ultimately in ASP or using normal HTML...the bigger image is gonna have to load its 100k if the user is to view it.

therefore the gallery of thumbnail images at 5k each could be as little as 100k for the entire page of 20 thumbnails, which is about 21.28 seconds on 56k @ 4.7kps

Not a completely unreasonable solution for a newbie web designer. The rest of us can use ASP. Ya' Gotta Love It!
If the code is <IMG SRC=&quot;1.jpg&quot;> no matter what the width or height, it will load that ENTIRE file. That's why I recommend actually making a thumbnail for 1.jpg.

If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
true statement if that were the case, however...like I said...I believe Dreamweaver uses Fireworks to create 2 images.

1 small thumbnail which we will call t1.jpg and 1 regular size which we will call 1.jpg

So...yes , if it only had 1 image which it resized internally then it would be 100k for the thunbnail as well as the full size and would be 2000k for 20 thumbs.

Luckily Dreamweaver is smarter than that.
Ya' Gotta Love It!
If dw does that, that's pretty cool. I'm a raw HTML guy myself, I like totaly control of the code. So I wouldn't know about that.

I guess it would just save you time by not having you manually shrink the pic down in a graphics program.

If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
You ought to try it some time... you simply tell it where your images are located and in about 45 seconds...you have a complete photo gallery. Quite a novel idea actually.:)

I used to be a raw coder also until I met Dreamweaver. The new Homesite 4.5.2 I just recently acquired isn't bad either for those of us who like to be in control of our own HTML destiny. Ya' Gotta Love It!
I use MS InterDev. I never use the design view, always the source. I have fp2000, dw 4.0, and ultradev 4.0, but I still like raw html better. Especially as you get into javascript, asp, and xml, you have to know the code anyway.

If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
Have you looked at a tool like ThumbsPlus?

Chip H.
Hello, I am new to web development and have learned a lot from this site. Just a quick question regarding the Post from Jarvis about .asp pages. That sounds real cool and I would like to know how to do that. I clicked on the link you provided and I get an error. Is there something special within someones browser that has to be set for .asp pages to work?

What link? What error did you get?

You don't need anything special too view .asp pages. It's a server side language. ~Javrix

If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
Ok, I remember now. Sorry, I didn't read the previous posts.

This guy named ront was having some problems in the frontpage forum. He had about 9 images. He wanted to make a preview page that had all 9 thumbnails on them, when they clicked on the thumbnail, it would take them to a page with that thumbnail.

His question was he didn't want to make a separate page for each image. I suggested making it an asp page then. He didn't know what I meant, so I made a quick 2 page solution for him. You can see it:

remember, asp is server side, so you won't see any asp script, just HTML. but realize it's only 2 pages, the preview page (which is an .htm) and the results page (the .asp page).

I posted the script for both pages in an earlier post in the MS Frontpage forum. I think it was called thumbnails, and ront started it. (his actual name is ront and then a few numbers.) ~Javrix

If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
Thanks Javrix

That is pretty cool. Something nice and easy for me to start with as I learn more about .asp pages.

Thanks again

No problem. That's the core basics of asp. ~Javrix

If you gave an infinate number of rednecks, an infinate number of shotguns to shoot at an infinate number of street signs, they would eventually write Romeo and Juliet in braille.
My question is along these lines but, from what I can tell, a little more involved than thumbnailing pix only. I need to thumbnail entire web pages. From some such thumbnails I've seen on other sites, it seems the pages must be converted to jpegs, but dang (can you tell I'm in the south), I can't figure out how to make that conversion. HELP!!!!!
press the print screen button when you have the monitor displaying what you want...then open up your favorite image editing program....then make a new canvas and dont adjust the size of the canvas once your new canvas is up press ctrl+v (yup paste) and there is your screen shot...do with it what you must and if this works and you use it let me know.

[afro] [afro]
whos that behind you?

THANKS! The screen print solution was spot on and is suiting my purpose. AMc
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