Hi, I posted a message a while ago but didnt get a reply, I have installed ActivePerl on a Win2000 Server machine, used the MSI to install and it all went smoothly, the .pl extension has been related to the perl application, and the cgi-bin directory has full permissions (I'll be more restrictive once I know how it works)
I have downloaded a perl script (printtime.pl) to print the time and date, and I have installed this in the cgi-bin. When I run the script at a CMD prompt, it works perfectly. I think maybe that the line I am using in the shtml page is wrong, because when I call the perl (from the page) with
<!-- #exec cgi:"/prcserver/printranet/cgi-bin/textclock.pl" -->
I get a page back with:
Cannot #EXEC '/prcserver/printranet/cgi-bin/textclock.pl' due to lack of EXECUTE permission
Now I know that at some point the page is handled by CGI, because of the embedded error message, but where am I going wrong??? HELP!!!!
PS when I run the script from the same dir like this:
<!-- #exec cgi:"../textclock.pl" -->
I get:
Failed to execute script '../textclock.pl': Win32 Error Code = 2
What does this mean? I've spent hours on the web trying to find out, none of the perl sites seem to give you any useful info on this kind of thing.
Another useful thing to know would be the path equivalent: I know that when you use SSI (Server Side Includes) the path to the CGI/PL script should be relative to that machine or fully qualified, if a *nix script has /foo/bar/script.pl/ as a path, what would the equivalent path be in NT? Could you use C:/foo/bar/script.pl/ or does other syntax rules apply?
What of the shebang??
It's a bit hard right now cos ANYTHING could be messing the server up right now....
With your help I will be on my way
Thanks all
Tels Win2000 Network Administrator
I have downloaded a perl script (printtime.pl) to print the time and date, and I have installed this in the cgi-bin. When I run the script at a CMD prompt, it works perfectly. I think maybe that the line I am using in the shtml page is wrong, because when I call the perl (from the page) with
<!-- #exec cgi:"/prcserver/printranet/cgi-bin/textclock.pl" -->
I get a page back with:
Cannot #EXEC '/prcserver/printranet/cgi-bin/textclock.pl' due to lack of EXECUTE permission
Now I know that at some point the page is handled by CGI, because of the embedded error message, but where am I going wrong??? HELP!!!!
PS when I run the script from the same dir like this:
<!-- #exec cgi:"../textclock.pl" -->
I get:
Failed to execute script '../textclock.pl': Win32 Error Code = 2
What does this mean? I've spent hours on the web trying to find out, none of the perl sites seem to give you any useful info on this kind of thing.
Another useful thing to know would be the path equivalent: I know that when you use SSI (Server Side Includes) the path to the CGI/PL script should be relative to that machine or fully qualified, if a *nix script has /foo/bar/script.pl/ as a path, what would the equivalent path be in NT? Could you use C:/foo/bar/script.pl/ or does other syntax rules apply?
What of the shebang??
It's a bit hard right now cos ANYTHING could be messing the server up right now....
With your help I will be on my way
Thanks all
Tels Win2000 Network Administrator