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I've been looking at a number of other forums here and around the web over time and the one thing I notice is that a number of questions go unanswered in those other forums especially in forums concerning topics other that Visual Foxpro (i.e. Visual Basic). I hardly ever see that happen here...someone usually responds to everything, even if it is to just say "I don't have a clue!". So here's to this particular forum and to the Foxpro community at large! :)

(Sorry this isn't a true Book/Article Review...more of a Forum Review) Slighthaze = NULL

I was silent all along as expressions are going on. Now 40+ replies in this thread !

An important point (I would like to highlight after reading Sharat200's comment), is that every person is unique, and every one can contribute in some way or other. There is no need to feel shy or assume that they dont know much or they are endangered. That is the beauty of the Tek-Tips forum, strengths, success and whatever.

Every one can come forward and offer whatever small help they can offer to the fellow members and that mutual help is the strength of this forum.

And no one is absolute perfect and capable of everything. So there is no end to learning as we go along helping each other.

The credit goes to forum organizers in providing a stage for these tek-tips. :) :)

ramani :)
(Subramanian.G),FoxAcc, ramani_g@yahoo.com

Hello @all,

never found a answer so fast like here, thats a very good and nice forum for all computer freaks and worker. The answeres i read in this forum is frindly and i feel like a friend here with everybody.
Thanks for this and all the help we get.
Best wishes to all
from Germany
Just wanted to drop my two cents. I am a self taught VFP developer and if it wasn't for TT I would have been stuck more times than I could count.

I have posted a question with my morning coffee and before it could get cold I had at least one definitive answer. I can count several times when the answers I received were right on target and easy to implement.

No other forum has been able to do this for me. I tried the Wiki but could not make sense of it and the M$ forumns just were not helpfull.

I have tried to answer some of beginner questions when I can and have allways appreciated every answer I got.

Mucho qudos for aour resident gurus. May they never have compile errors and may there code allways be optimized.

Jon B

Jonthan A Black
Long live TT! [spin2]
Been reading you all guys.
Yeah... long live TT and thanks to all of you.
It's the best!


Already back?
<quote> No, we are not going too far, just Scotland ! <unquote>
How much are you going to charge for this Q&A CD?

= Koen

Already back?
<quote> No, we are not going too far, just Scotland ! <unquote>
How much are you going to charge for this Q&A CD?

So far, the beginnings of a web-site ( that is not up and running and no CD, but the intentions were there, but the time is laking.

Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.

Site looks good, but no content.

Is it time only which is lacking? Maybe I could give some assistance to have this working?


Site looks good, but no content.

The content is there available to members (and the site does not accept members at the moment), although there is still a lot of translation to do (Translating WMI VB code to VFP), the site contains about 1200 WMI function, and only about half have been translated. And confortable with VB and WMI?

Mike Gagnon

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ184-2483 first.
Hi Mike,

Sorry I have not enough knowledge of VMI. Will wait when this thing will also be available for VFP.

Remember that the success of this forum depends on our participation, and financial support too.

Jim Osieczonek
Delta Business Group, LLC
In commemoration of the first human landing on the Moon, here in Argentina we celebrate the friend's day, so I want to salute all of you my good friends and colleagues on this excellent forum.
[cheers][wavey][wiggle] ¡¡ HAPPY FRIEND'S DAY!! [wiggle][wavey][cheers]

Gerardo Czajkowski
Ditto on everything! One thing, though, we're starting to use Cognos here (Impromptu) but migrating over to ReportNet, if anyone has any of that background, please visit the Cognos Solutions forum! There's NOTHING out there right now for Cognos and what IS out there, nobody answers most of the questions, sound familiar?

Kudos to all!
Yes this VFP forum is exceptionally. Its just about the right level of busy. I have found other forums to be too busy. Where a post drops off the list within an hour. This Espcially true in the VB ones. They aer or so over whelmed with total amatures its just tortious to read somedays.

I dont mind helping newbies or anyone, but so many people (not in the VFP forum) want you to write the solution rather then nudge them through or just explain the mistake. Posting dozens of lines saying "why doesn't this work?" Ok now I am ranting.

I do not know why, but that does not seem to happen to here. And thats a good thing!

per craigsboyd...

I've been looking at a number of other forums here and around the web over time and the one thing I notice is that a number of questions go unanswered in those other forums especially in forums concerning topics other that Visual Foxpro (i.e. Visual Basic).

I agree with craig 100%. I dunno if Foxpro just attracts a better person, or because we are basicaly xBase users, we are a statisticly older group who have spent a long time doing this.

I first got my start on foxforums on the old Compu$erve FoxForum, using a DOS based product called OZ to quickly retrieve messages and log off, you were billed by the minute for access time, and had to dial a long distance number to connect. (It would kill me when some idiot would post 10 pages of code and ask where he went wrong.)

Thank God for the internet, dsl, and unlimited connect. This forum, has provided me with so much knowledge, I don't know where I'd be without it. I have often recieved help with-in minutes of asking a question, on a problem that has stumped me for hours. (As I live on the west coast of the US, I have come to the conclusion that Mike and Chris are terminal insomniacs.[g])

The only regret is seeing the demise of hard-copy publications like the "FoxPro Advisor", and local user groups, as people tend to get help online now.

One of the things that Compuserve did have, that I miss here, was a Fox "Water-cooler" forum. This is where Fox developers could meet and go off topic. Religion and politics were of course taboo, but we could cover other subjects of life, or code. We are a very interesting group of people, with an extremely broad base of knowledge.

So to you and yours...Cheers!

Regards - Wayne

You can find a number of Water Cooler type of forums here, on Tek-Tips, too - not only for FoxPro developers, though.

There are several social forums for people from particular geographical areas, check on Tek-Tips home page if there is yours.

This site is great!, I'm new here but I have found so many interest things, I'm thankful with all peeps that give theyre wisdowm to help, I really apreciate that!.

I hope to be useful for someone that needs my help.

Walter Geovanny Jolon Ruiz
Guatemala, C.A.

The only regret is seeing the demise of hard-copy publications like the "FoxPro Advisor"

Hold on a minute. Last time I looked (last Tuesday), FoxPro Advisor was going as strong as ever. Do you know something I don't?


Mike Lewis
Edinburgh, Scotland

My Visual Foxpro web site: My Crystal Reports web site:

Hold on a minute. Last time I looked (last Tuesday), FoxPro Advisor was going as strong as ever. Do you know something I don't?

Well FPA is still being published, but imho it is nowhere near what it once was in it's glory days. I think my mentor [and former editor] Tamara Gaynor has also moved on.

I also lament the defection of Miriam Liskin to VBA.

Sadly, I see the demise of other hard-copy publications as well. PC Magazine use to be one of my favourites. It used to be a very "weighty" publication with often 300+ pages of news, info and gossip. It would often take me a day or two to digest all the information. Now I must hunt the newstand to find a mere shell of a <150 page mag.<sigh>

My back-up profession of lithographic printing, has been absolutely devasted by alternative methods of communication, [ie the internet].

Maybe it is time for such lo-tech media to be replaced, but it's sad that people no longer read as much as they use to.

Sorry to be maudlin, and unclear about the fate of FPA.

Regards - Wayne
Still washing his Abashed Goat !
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