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The strangest Problem Ever Posted In Tektips - I'm Certain

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Technical User
Mar 18, 2009
When I sit down and get up from my desk-chair. I frequently hear the computer alert sound that a device was just plugged in (as if a usb device was just plugged in).

The beep is DIRECTLY related to the sitting down and getting up out of my chair. I can reproduce this.

I have no camera in my monitor.

when I sit down, no part of body touches any part of the pc or the monitor, or any cords. My butt touches the leater of the chair, and that is it.

So, does ANYONE have a CLUE what could be going on?

Or is there any way of seeing a record/log of beeps that the computer iniatiated so that I can see what application or device is beeping at me at that moment???

Linney mentioned bluetooth - are you wearing a Bluetooth Headset for a phone, either cell or for Skype on your computer ? bluetooh has a short range, and when you get up and increase your distance to the PC, you could be breaking the bluetooth connection.

Fred Wagner

UPnP and DLNA media sharing can sometimes produce the same "comin' and a goin' device" audio signals for no apparent reason. I think it is related to dropped UDP datagrams these protocols pass around.
Hm,mmmm I do have a PS3 nearby that looks for media servers... but I still don't see how that would be affected by sitting and getting up. Unless you are thinking that I am breaking "the beam" ?????
Have you tried opening the device manager, watch it when you hear the beep and you might see which device is connecting/disconnecting.

USB connections are logged somewhere (cannot remember where I found this, I was getting something similar, turned out to be my keyboard.
The log may only show the VID/PID numbers but you can Google the manufacturer and device.

Steve: N.M.N.F.
If something is popular, it must be wrong: Mark Twain
You are not going crazy, it just started happening to me. I have a Windows 7 machine and there are no wires exposed, all I do is sit down and get up and I hear the beep about 2-3 seconds later.
Is there a webcam that's noting whether there's a person present or not ?

Fred Wagner

JunoAK, have you tried the things they've askd in here... I can't get the proboem to start back up again to test a different chair, media server, front USBs...

While I'm glad the thing has stopped...I would like it to start back up again to get to the bottom of it...

Perhaps the FBI was thinking I was getting too close to finding out they were bugging me and turned it off!!
Was this a "beep" or more like the device "doo-DOOP/DOO-doop" sound?

I am curious, what USB devices are attached, see if your HDD's are listed as removable or not?

the reason why I ask if the HDD's are showing as removable, then that could be the problem, in that one of the drives comes and goes as you stand up (vibration)... just as a precaution check to see if the cables are all snug and tight...

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My wife's computer did that. I changed her microsoft mouse for a cheap mouse from microcenter. Hasn't done it in 3 months.
It could be a failing USB device, such as a mouse.

The Microsoft Management Console Event Viewer Applet is not a lot of help for USB disconnections and reconnections, but NirSoft has a utility at:

This should help identify the source, if it is USB related.
I don't know if this is related or not. I have a USB expander port on my computer. When ever I discharge static electricity, I can hear the port disconnect and reconnect. This happens whenever I touch a lamp, filing cabinet, or my chair. So if I get in or out of my chair and discharge some static, I hear my port.

James P. Cottingham
[sup]I'm number 1,229!
I'm number 1,229![/sup]
If the problem goes away for longish periods, then comes back, it may be seasonal, as in weather, as in humidity... with low humidity comes static electricity problems.
Are you on a rug ? on an anti-static mat ? wearing synthetic clothing or sweater ? You could isolate a static electricity problem - get an anti-static wrist strap (inexpensive at Radio Shack) and when the problem starts happening again, wear the wrist strap, and ground it to the computer case. If the problem stops, you know the source. If it doesn't, you can at least wear the strap if working inside your PC on dry days....

Fred Wagner

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