need to modify the menus, i bought this 3 terminal with menu in it , whats the best way add delete modify items, i am familiar with aloha menu programing , any suggestion or a manual ....thx in advance
In the POS Configurator go to the Sales tab, Menu Levels button, Auto Menu Levels tab. DO NOT change anything in here, but look at the Main Menu Level setting for each entry. These will most likely correspond to the prices in the menu item setup. So if the Lunch auto level has 2 for the Main Menu Level, then price 2 should be active at lunchtime. Write down you're levels and close the form.
Now go to the Sales tab, Menu Items button. This will give you your menu item list.
Every menu item will need:
Definition/General tab -
Menu Item Class - tells the item how to behave
Menu Level Class - determines when the item is available
Print Class - determines which order printers the item goes to
Reporting tab - Major and Family Group.
Prices tab - selling price.
You should also go to the Definition/Groups tab and select an Allowed Condiment. Micros calls modifiers "condiments", so this is what decides which modifiers can be used on each item.
You're best bet is to look at similar menu items and see how they're set up. The help files can be handy, but I haven't seen a full configuration manual in years.
I wrote a book on programming the Micros 3700 & res 4 system. When we first installed Micros it drove me crazy that I couldn't find a decent manual anywhere! So I wrote one for my managers. It contains a lot of the basic programming that a restaurant or a tavern would need answers for.
pmegan's response is a great jumping off point. Especially because you might already be familiar with the structure from working with aloha.
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