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the infamous "A program is trying to access e-mail..." Outlook issue

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Apr 22, 2004
Hi everyone!
I'm new hear and am looking for some help with Outlook 2003. A user in the office is using Pocket PC 2003 to sync with Outlook 2003 using his PDA. When he goes to sync he gets the Outlook security prompt "A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook. Do you want to allow this?" and is asked to confirm the allowed minutes. I've read various posts but haven't found a good way to prevent this problem. Using ClickYes ( has been suggested, but I am hoping there is a better solution. Possible use of a VB program has been suggested, but I'm not a programmer, just a network guy. Does anyone know how to turn this prompt off? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I cant see why you would not want to use outlook click yes. I have insatlled it on many PC's and never had a problem with it. Its simple to install and just sits in the taskbar out of the way.
Thanks Azrael811 for your response. It's not that I can't use ClickYes, but I wanted to see if anyone has come up with a better (more secure) solution instead of setting a program to automatically always click yes when presented with the Outlook security prompt. As you noted, it is very easy to install and use, no arguments there. Just looking for alternatives. :)
im having the same problem to but what im trying to do is create a form that runs on a intranet. when the user submits the form it uses outlook to send an email to our IT help desk. The only question i have is about security. What happens if the user is browsing the internet or if there is a virus on there computer sending email. Would clickyes still click yes on there behalf??

on the clickyes website
there is the sample code in vb\vba
has any tried useing the code

' Declare Windows' API functions
Private Declare Function RegisterWindowMessage _
Lib "user32" Alias "RegisterWindowMessageA" _
(ByVal lpString As String) As Long

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _
Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As Any, _
ByVal lpWindowName As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _
lParam As Any) As Long

Private Sub SomeProc()
Dim wnd As Long
Dim uClickYes As Long
Dim Res As Long

' Register a message to send
uClickYes = RegisterWindowMessage("CLICKYES_SUSPEND_RESUME")

' Find ClickYes Window by classname
wnd = FindWindow("EXCLICKYES_WND", 0&)

' Send the message to Resume ClickYes
Res = SendMessage(wnd, uClickYes, 1, 0)

' ...
' Do some Actions
' ...

' Send the message to Suspend ClickYes
Res = SendMessage(wnd, uClickYes, 0, 0)

End Sub

Thanks for your reply & cool name. he,he. I actually went ahead and installed the clickyes program to try it and see what happens because I haven't found any better solutions that I like and because the boss wanted his pc fixed. 8) Anyway, it is my understanding that yes, if a virus/worm infects the users pc and hits Outlook to send out messages, then yes the program will allow the virus to spam email. We have auto-updating antivirus software, so I guess that's probably as good as were going to get.

And I haven't tried that VB/VBA code, so I don't know how well it works.

have a great day,

Though the 'click yes' solution will work...I am wary of using this utility as well. It would be unfortunate to auto click yes...on a malicious program or other malware.

I would tweak the sync settings on your pocket pc app. Perhaps you should only sync upon dock, as opposed to continuous sync. Slipstick.com (forgive me, I forgot the url...will post later) has some very useful information on this. Particularly...which applications are affected by this latest and greatest patch from ms.com.

I recall reading, that this problem has something to do w/ the com add in's associated w/ outlook. Not sure if you need to disable or add one...but this may be a good place to start looking.

Sorry no solution...just some insight.

seattle, wa

partly cloudy
Hi Mgodinez,
Thanks for the response and insights. You're right slipstick.com does have some very good stuff on Outlook/Exchange other email programs and issues. I'll have to do some reading on the com add in's for Outlook and see what I come up with.
I just came here looking for this. It's really madness not to have a "don't show this box ever again please" option. I have just sent out 250 at a five second delay each. Thank you all for your information.
Just had to re-install outlook 2003 on a new XP pro, and this is occuring all the time, very annoying, and I have no idea _what_ is trying to access the address book. And clickyes doesn't seem to handle the screensaver very well, grabs the mouse and won't let go...

previously I upgraded from outlook XP and didn't have this problem.
If you are or know someone doing programming using vb or vba there is something you can incorporate called Redemption. You can google search it. This way it doesn't always click yes, only when your programming says so.

Just more info so somehow/someone can try and find a good fix:

I have never seen this dialog on my network, but I installed Outlooks SP3 on several machines running XP Pro and Outlook 2002.

The "A program is trying to access e-mail..." dialog comes up every time new mail arrives on only two machines. On one of these machines, I noticed the message come up when ActiveSync was trying to synchronize the Contact and Email lists. If I end the ACTIVESYNC process, it rids it temporarily.

The other machine, who knows what add-in is causing the problem.

It is definitely SP3 that started this here on my network.

I am hoping to find a fix!
Hi all,

I was having the same problem and found a microsoft securtiy update which allows you to expose the settings otherwise hidden. The url is:

Go to the section titled 'Outlook 2000 SR-1a Security Update Administrative Tools'

and download the files. Then go to:

for full instructions on how to update your system.

This should solve the problem (not sure if it works with 2003 though).


Replace CDO.dll with the one from the original Outlook 2000 (before U apply any SP/hotfix)
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