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That old apostrophe problem

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Technical User
Apr 20, 2001
I know I need to add in some code

(lname = replace(lname, "'", "''"))

to handle apostrophe's in input fields but for the life of me cannot work out where to do it in this Macromedia generated code.



Response.Expires = 60
Response.Expiresabsolute = Now() - 1
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private"
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
<!--#include file="Connections/Phone.asp" -->

Dim hasSQLWhereClause
Dim whereClause
Dim MM_whereConst
MM_whereConst = " "
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("init")
If Request.QueryString("init") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(init))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(init))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("fname")
If Request.QueryString("fname") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(fname))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(fname))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("lname")
If Request.QueryString("lname") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(lname))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(lname))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("tel")
If Request.QueryString("tel") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(tel))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(tel))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("mobile")
If Request.QueryString("mobile") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(mobile))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(mobile))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("dept")
If Request.QueryString("dept") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(dept))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(dept))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("jobtitle")
If Request.QueryString("jobtitle") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(jobtitle))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(jobtitle))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
Set fieldValue = Request.QueryString("ntel")
If Request.QueryString("ntel") <> "" Then
  If hasSQLWhereClause = false Then
    whereClause=whereClause & " rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(ntel))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
    whereClause=whereClause & " and rtrim(ltrim(Ucase(ntel))) like rtrim(ltrim(Ucase('%" & fieldValue & "%')))"
  End If
End If
If whereClause <> "" Then
  MM_whereConst = "WHERE"  
End If
Dim RecordSet1
Dim RecordSet1_numRows

Set RecordSet1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RecordSet1.ActiveConnection = MM_Phone_STRING
RecordSet1.Source = "SELECT *  FROM users " & MM_whereConst & " " & whereClause & "  ORDER BY lname asc"
RecordSet1.CursorType = 0
RecordSet1.CursorLocation = 2
RecordSet1.LockType = 1

RecordSet1_numRows = 0
Dim Repeat1__numRows
Dim Repeat1__index

Repeat1__numRows = 10
Repeat1__index = 0
RecordSet1_numRows = RecordSet1_numRows + Repeat1__numRows

'  *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables

Dim RecordSet1_total
Dim RecordSet1_first
Dim RecordSet1_last

' set the record count
RecordSet1_total = RecordSet1.RecordCount

' set the number of rows displayed on this page
If (RecordSet1_numRows < 0) Then
  RecordSet1_numRows = RecordSet1_total
Elseif (RecordSet1_numRows = 0) Then
  RecordSet1_numRows = 1
End If

' set the first and last displayed record
RecordSet1_first = 1
RecordSet1_last  = RecordSet1_first + RecordSet1_numRows - 1

' if we have the correct record count, check the other stats
If (RecordSet1_total <> -1) Then
  If (RecordSet1_first > RecordSet1_total) Then
    RecordSet1_first = RecordSet1_total
  End If
  If (RecordSet1_last > RecordSet1_total) Then
    RecordSet1_last = RecordSet1_total
  End If
  If (RecordSet1_numRows > RecordSet1_total) Then
    RecordSet1_numRows = RecordSet1_total
  End If
End If

' *** Recordset Stats: if we don't know the record count, manually count them

If (RecordSet1_total = -1) Then

  ' count the total records by iterating through the recordset
  While (Not RecordSet1.EOF)
    RecordSet1_total = RecordSet1_total + 1

  ' reset the cursor to the beginning
  If (RecordSet1.CursorType > 0) Then
  End If

  ' set the number of rows displayed on this page
  If (RecordSet1_numRows < 0 Or RecordSet1_numRows > RecordSet1_total) Then
    RecordSet1_numRows = RecordSet1_total
  End If

  ' set the first and last displayed record
  RecordSet1_first = 1
  RecordSet1_last = RecordSet1_first + RecordSet1_numRows - 1
  If (RecordSet1_first > RecordSet1_total) Then
    RecordSet1_first = RecordSet1_total
  End If
  If (RecordSet1_last > RecordSet1_total) Then
    RecordSet1_last = RecordSet1_total
  End If

End If

Dim MM_paramName 

' *** Move To Record and Go To Record: declare variables

Dim MM_rs
Dim MM_rsCount
Dim MM_size
Dim MM_uniqueCol
Dim MM_offset
Dim MM_atTotal
Dim MM_paramIsDefined

Dim MM_param
Dim MM_index

Set MM_rs    = RecordSet1
MM_rsCount   = RecordSet1_total
MM_size      = RecordSet1_numRows
MM_uniqueCol = ""
MM_paramName = ""
MM_offset = 0
MM_atTotal = false
MM_paramIsDefined = false
If (MM_paramName <> "") Then
  MM_paramIsDefined = (Request.QueryString(MM_paramName) <> "")
End If

' *** Move To Record: handle 'index' or 'offset' parameter

if (Not MM_paramIsDefined And MM_rsCount <> 0) then

  ' use index parameter if defined, otherwise use offset parameter
  MM_param = Request.QueryString("index")
  If (MM_param = "") Then
    MM_param = Request.QueryString("offset")
  End If
  If (MM_param <> "") Then
    MM_offset = Int(MM_param)
  End If

  ' if we have a record count, check if we are past the end of the recordset
  If (MM_rsCount <> -1) Then
    If (MM_offset >= MM_rsCount Or MM_offset = -1) Then  ' past end or move last
      If ((MM_rsCount Mod MM_size) > 0) Then         ' last page not a full repeat region
        MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount Mod MM_size)
        MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size
      End If
    End If
  End If

  ' move the cursor to the selected record
  MM_index = 0
  While ((Not MM_rs.EOF) And (MM_index < MM_offset Or MM_offset = -1))
    MM_index = MM_index + 1
  If (MM_rs.EOF) Then 
    MM_offset = MM_index  ' set MM_offset to the last possible record
  End If

End If

' *** Move To Record: if we dont know the record count, check the display range

If (MM_rsCount = -1) Then

  ' walk to the end of the display range for this page
  MM_index = MM_offset
  While (Not MM_rs.EOF And (MM_size < 0 Or MM_index < MM_offset + MM_size))
    MM_index = MM_index + 1

  ' if we walked off the end of the recordset, set MM_rsCount and MM_size
  If (MM_rs.EOF) Then
    MM_rsCount = MM_index
    If (MM_size < 0 Or MM_size > MM_rsCount) Then
      MM_size = MM_rsCount
    End If
  End If

  ' if we walked off the end, set the offset based on page size
  If (MM_rs.EOF And Not MM_paramIsDefined) Then
    If (MM_offset > MM_rsCount - MM_size Or MM_offset = -1) Then
      If ((MM_rsCount Mod MM_size) > 0) Then
        MM_offset = MM_rsCount - (MM_rsCount Mod MM_size)
        MM_offset = MM_rsCount - MM_size
      End If
    End If
  End If

  ' reset the cursor to the beginning
  If (MM_rs.CursorType > 0) Then
  End If

  ' move the cursor to the selected record
  MM_index = 0
  While (Not MM_rs.EOF And MM_index < MM_offset)
    MM_index = MM_index + 1
End If

' *** Move To Record: update recordset stats

' set the first and last displayed record
RecordSet1_first = MM_offset + 1
RecordSet1_last  = MM_offset + MM_size

If (MM_rsCount <> -1) Then
  If (RecordSet1_first > MM_rsCount) Then
    RecordSet1_first = MM_rsCount
  End If
  If (RecordSet1_last > MM_rsCount) Then
    RecordSet1_last = MM_rsCount
  End If
End If

' set the boolean used by hide region to check if we are on the last record
MM_atTotal = (MM_rsCount <> -1 And MM_offset + MM_size >= MM_rsCount)

' *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parameters

Dim MM_keepNone
Dim MM_keepURL
Dim MM_keepForm
Dim MM_keepBoth

Dim MM_removeList
Dim MM_item
Dim MM_nextItem

' create the list of parameters which should not be maintained
MM_removeList = "&index="
If (MM_paramName <> "") Then
  MM_removeList = MM_removeList & "&" & MM_paramName & "="
End If


' add the URL parameters to the MM_keepURL string
For Each MM_item In Request.QueryString
  MM_nextItem = "&" & MM_item & "="
  If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,MM_nextItem,1) = 0) Then
    If Request.QueryString(MM_item).Count > 1 Then
      For i=1 To Request.QueryString(MM_item).Count
        MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL & MM_nextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(MM_item)(i))
      MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL & MM_nextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(MM_item))
    End If    
  End If

' add the Form variables to the MM_keepForm string
For Each MM_item In Request.Form
  MM_nextItem = "&" & MM_item & "="
  If (InStr(1,MM_removeList,MM_nextItem,1) = 0) Then
    MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm & MM_nextItem & Server.URLencode(Request.Form(MM_item))
  End If

' create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the strings
MM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL & MM_keepForm
If (MM_keepBoth <> "") Then 
  MM_keepBoth = Right(MM_keepBoth, Len(MM_keepBoth) - 1)
End If
If (MM_keepURL <> "")  Then
  MM_keepURL  = Right(MM_keepURL, Len(MM_keepURL) - 1)
End If
If (MM_keepForm <> "") Then
  MM_keepForm = Right(MM_keepForm, Len(MM_keepForm) - 1)
End If

' a utility function used for adding additional parameters to these strings
Function MM_joinChar(firstItem)
  If (firstItem <> "") Then
    MM_joinChar = "&"
    MM_joinChar = ""
  End If
End Function

' *** Move To Record: set the strings for the first, last, next, and previous links

Dim MM_keepMove
Dim MM_moveParam
Dim MM_moveFirst
Dim MM_moveLast
Dim MM_moveNext
Dim MM_movePrev

Dim MM_urlStr
Dim MM_paramList
Dim MM_paramIndex
Dim MM_nextParam

MM_keepMove = MM_keepBoth
MM_moveParam = "index"

' if the page has a repeated region, remove 'offset' from the maintained parameters
If (MM_size > 1) Then
  MM_moveParam = "offset"
  If (MM_keepMove <> "") Then
    MM_paramList = Split(MM_keepMove, "&")
    MM_keepMove = ""
    For MM_paramIndex = 0 To UBound(MM_paramList)
      MM_nextParam = Left(MM_paramList(MM_paramIndex), InStr(MM_paramList(MM_paramIndex),"=") - 1)
      If (StrComp(MM_nextParam,MM_moveParam,1) <> 0) Then
        MM_keepMove = MM_keepMove & "&" & MM_paramList(MM_paramIndex)
      End If
    If (MM_keepMove <> "") Then
      MM_keepMove = Right(MM_keepMove, Len(MM_keepMove) - 1)
    End If
  End If
End If

' set the strings for the move to links
If (MM_keepMove <> "") Then 
  MM_keepMove = Server.HTMLEncode(MM_keepMove) & "&"
End If

MM_urlStr = Request.ServerVariables("URL") & "?" & MM_keepMove & MM_moveParam & "="

MM_moveFirst = MM_urlStr & "0"
MM_moveLast  = MM_urlStr & "-1"
MM_moveNext  = MM_urlStr & CStr(MM_offset + MM_size)
If (MM_offset - MM_size < 0) Then
  MM_movePrev = MM_urlStr & "0"
  MM_movePrev = MM_urlStr & CStr(MM_offset - MM_size)
End If

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">[/URL]
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Technip Offshore UK Telephone Directory</title>
<link href="csog.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<style type="text/css">
.style2 {
	color: #d1d1a5;
	font-size: x-small;
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a:link {
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a:visited {
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<div align="center">
    <% If Request.QueryString("AdvSearch") <> "" Then 
     If (RecordSet1_total = 0) Then %>
       <span class="style12">Search returned no results. <a href="search.asp" class="style9">Return to Search Page</a></span>    
       <% Else  %>
  <table width="50%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
      <td colspan="4" align="center"><a href="search.asp" class="style12">Return to Search Page</a></td>
    <tr bgcolor="d1d1a5" class="style12">

      <td colspan="4" align="center"><span class="style12">Records <%=(RecordSet1_first)%> to <%=(RecordSet1_last)%> of <%=(RecordSet1_total)%></span></td>
    <tr bgcolor="#0E4699" class="style12">
      <td align="center"><% if (MM_offset <> 0) then %>
          <a href="<%=MM_moveFirst%>">First</a>
          <% end if  %>
      <td align="center"><% if (MM_offset <> 0) then %>
          <a href="<%=MM_movePrev%>">Previous</a>
          <% end if %>
      <td align="center"><% if (not MM_atTotal) then %>
          <a href="<%=MM_moveNext%>">Next</a>
          <% end if %>
      <td align="center"><% if (not MM_atTotal) then %>
          <a href="<%=MM_moveLast%>">Last</a>
          <% end if %>
      <td colspan="4" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
<table width="550" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
  <% While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) and (not RecordSet1.EOF))
    Repeat1__numRows = Repeat1__numRows - 1%>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left"><span class="style2"><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("ID").Value%></span></div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left"></div></td>
    <td colspan="3" rowspan="9" align="center"><div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      
      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      <div align="left"></div>      
    <div align="center"><img src="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("image").Value)%>"></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style13">Tel</div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><strong><%=(RecordSet1.Fields.Item("ntel").Value)%></strong></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style13">Last Name </div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><strong><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("lname").Value%></strong></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style13">First Name </div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><strong><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("fname").Value%></strong></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14">Initials</div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("init").Value%></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14">Mobile</div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("mobile").Value%></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14">Job Title </div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("jobtitle").Value%></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14">Department</div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("dept").Value%></div></td>
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699">
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14">Old Number </div></td>
    <td align="center"><div align="left" class="style14"><%=RecordSet1.Fields.Item("tel").Value%></div></td>
    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    <td align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    <td colspan="3" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
  Repeat1__index = Repeat1__index + 1
<table width="50%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
  <tr bgcolor="#0E4699" class="style12"> 
    <td width="23%" align="center"> <% if (MM_offset <> 0) then %>
      <a href="<%=MM_moveFirst%>">First</a> 
    <% end if  %> </td>
    <td width="31%" align="center"> <% if (MM_offset <> 0) then %>
      <a href="<%=MM_movePrev%>">Previous</a> 
    <% end if %> </td>
    <td width="23%" align="center"> <% if (not MM_atTotal) then %>
      <a href="<%=MM_moveNext%>">Next</a> 
    <% end if %> </td>
    <td width="23%" align="center"> <% if (not MM_atTotal) then %>
      <a href="<%=MM_moveLast%>">Last</a> 
    <% end if %> </td>
<div align="center"><br>
    <a href="search.asp" class="style12">Return to Search Page</a></div>
<div align="center"><p><span class="style12">Records <%=(RecordSet1_first)%> to <%=(RecordSet1_last)%> of <%=(RecordSet1_total)%></span>
    <% End If  
End If%>
Set RecordSet1 = Nothing
Set fieldValue = replace(Request.QueryString("lname"),"'","''")

I think!
Hmm, thanks, that threw an error like this (search string is hind)

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8' 

Object required: '[string: "hind"]' 

/adsresults_results.asp, line 36
What if the lname is null...then i think the Replace function throws the error...

Check that the variables are not null before using the Replace function.

Nope, just remove the Set from the front of that code that Neil gave you. Right now your assigning a value but the Set makes ASP think your assigning an object. It sees no object so it complains.

And thank you for reminding me once again why I don't ever use IDE's to build my code...It ouldn't be to difficult to replace all of that code with something 1/4th the length and at least an order of magnitude better for performance and efficincy. All those extra loops through the recordset are unnecessary. heck, you could easily get rid of them simply by replacing all the move loops to use the Move() method instead of manually trying to loop through it...of course I would get rid of the whole recordset after doing a GetRows and simply manipulate the array...UBound + 1 will give you the recordcount, and there is no moving necessary, just print what you need. Oh well, so glad I turned down that Dreamweaver (not ASP, Dreamweaver) job I was offered...

[sub]01000111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01000011 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01100101 00111111[/sub]
Help, the rampaging, spear-waving, rabid network gnomes are after me!
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