I have a question about a textbox problem I am having inside of an ASP page. I am currently writing a page to update an employee record, stored on SQL Server. When I assign the employee name recordset value to the textbox, it only displays text before a space. For example: the value in my database is John Doe, however, after assigning the recordset object to the text box, it only displays John.
My code is as follows:
Response.Write objRS("Name" - Which displays "John Doe" (Used for debugging)
<input name="txtName" maxLength="50" size="50" value=<%= objRS.Fields("Name"%> --> Which displays "John"
Any help you could provide, would be appreciated.
My code is as follows:
Response.Write objRS("Name" - Which displays "John Doe" (Used for debugging)
<input name="txtName" maxLength="50" size="50" value=<%= objRS.Fields("Name"%> --> Which displays "John"
Any help you could provide, would be appreciated.