I'm trying to put text in a table, one which has a background, but when I try, it always puts it outside my table. Here is my code....
[tt]<tr height="15">
<td width="299" height="15"><img border="0" src="spacer.bmp" width="299" height="15"><-- Here is where I want my text. At the very right end of this table data.</td>
<td width="270" height="15"><img border="0" src="spacer2.bmp" width="270" height="15"></td>[/tt]
[tt]<tr height="15">
<td width="299" height="15"><img border="0" src="spacer.bmp" width="299" height="15"><-- Here is where I want my text. At the very right end of this table data.</td>
<td width="270" height="15"><img border="0" src="spacer2.bmp" width="270" height="15"></td>[/tt]