That basically splits to several tasks.
The first question is what you are going to do. Another Notepad? No?
How much text you would like to edit (one page may be or up to 2Gb of text). it would say how you'll store that text).
How much of functionality you wish to implement.
Suppose you want create small window with editable text in your program.
Then you can store all text in a string. (or array of strings if you like)
You have to process keyboard input, command/cursor movement keys; and output chars on screen in right directions.
(You can't use "input" because it does not know about window bounds you would like to stay it in (word wrap)).
How to store paragraph marks (ENTER).
And you'll have to handle scrolling, if text grows... And think how implement select/cut/copy/paste/undo.
Of cource you can choose not to implement some of this.
Opening and saving is relatively easy parts, example for open, text stored in lines array:
dim text$(maxLines)
open aFName for input as #1
while not eof(1)
line input #1, text$(i)
the editing is the thing that would be hard.
BTW I think there was file selector dialog posted in this forum. I can't find it...
BTW, I'm pretty sure there is some ready code available.
so the formual for the location will start by looking like this...
L = X + (Y * 80)
...But... since there are 2 bytes per character... L = (X + (Y * 80)) * 2
Calculate the attribute... attr = color + (back *16) + (flash * 128)
Then you poke like this... POKE L, ASC("A"
POKE L + 1, Attr
Play with it a little bit, and see what you can come up with...
I hope nobody minds if I jump in here. A text editor is a basic component for most programs that do more than print "Hello World". The higher level programming interfaces have features that allow the programmer to drag, say, a text box or a Rich Text box onto a form to give the user editing capabilities. Qbasic programmers are forced to create this functionality from scatch.
Remember... though eagles may soar, weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
It is close enough to QBasic... And has a set of libraries where you can Make A QBasic IDE/Windows style interface... Includeing Multi Window editors, etc...
It even comes with examples of how to create them...
If you can program in QBasic, Pascal should not be that hard to pick up on...
There should be several places where you can Download it "for educational use" the same way you can get QB...
After all, Nobody wants to pay for DOS applications Anymore...
Pascal was obsoleted by delphi, the same way QBasic was by VB
In fact Delphi is the VB of Pascal...
Pascal is Faster because it is a real 'Compiled Language' where QuickBasic is still more of a Translated Language...
Pascal was developed to compete with Microsofts Quick Basic...
Which is Where Delphi came in to keep the race going with Visual Basic...
If nothing else It would be a good language to learn...
It's more or less a cross between C/C++ and QuickBasic...
I think you can find some free IDE.
One came to mind is RHIDE (very much like BC++ 3.1), initially written to DJGPP free C compiler.
(Of cource it apply if you need an IDE - and not just writing program for the sake of it).
If that is the case... You can also set up Turbo Pascal 7 to Compile C Code...
It has all kinds of options...
You just create a tool item for the tools menu... tell it what program you want to run (the compiler) and whatever else you want to have it do... you can use macros for the file names, paths...
Then just create a new file...
Save it as a C file...
Click on your tool in the menu...
And you are good to go... ;-)
If you do just need an editor for the compiler...
You might just want to use NotePad or a different editor...
Then make a *.BAT file to make/build/compile your project...
That is usually what I did for DJGPP...
...I still hate VC++ they made it so *EASY TO USE*... I can't even figure it out half the time...
If you do decide to go visual... Go Visual Basic (6... screw .NET)
First of all, the reason your text is doing the a aa aaa thing is because you can only go to about line 20 in QBasic. Anything beyond that scrolls up because the lines below that autoscroll up. So, you have to keep this in mind.
As for the text editor... I made mine using random access files for storing the edited data, then just wrote the text file from the random access file when it came time to create it. Here's how I did it:
Type textfiletemplate
lineoftext as string * 80
End Type
Dim Template as textfiletemplate
Now we have a random access file template which is 80 characters long... a typical line on an 80x25 screen.
Open template.dat for random access read write as 1 len=len Template
'get max lines in temp data file
MaxLines = LOF(1) / Len(Template)
Now we have our data file, which is pretty much gonna be empty every time we open our program. This file will store 80 characters of text, which is equal to 1 line. If you think about it, random access files are a perfect solution because of the huge size you can have and the speed of data reading and writing.
Now simply make the shell of your text editor and have each line written as changes are made:
Template.lineoftext = mylinestring
Put 1, linenumber, Template
Likewise, read a line:
Get 1, linenumber, Template
mylinestring = Template.lineoftext
So, what you end up with is each line is a record. This works wonders especially when loading and saving the file. You can run a loop of 1 thru MaxLines and write your output text file in a fraction of a second. Likewise, you can read a text file into a new data file and use it to display HUGE files with little overhead. With random access files there are no limit (well, there are, but it's like 3 million records and who's gonna exceed that in DOS?). Best of all, the only memory you need to use are 20 strings of length 80 (i.e. 80x20 screen, since we all know anything much below line 20 will scroll on you). I've written a text file viewer in QBasic which works great. It's fast and does the job. I'd be willing to send it to you as an example. It doesn't let you edit text, but it'll give you what you need to write your own using random access files. In QB there's no other way to go if you want huge file reading/writing capability without using any memory whatsoever. E-mail me if you want the code:
Ah heck... I decided to post the code instead. Here's my text file viewer using random access files. Compile it and give it a file to read (i.e. myprogram.exe myfile.txt). Throw the largest text file you can at it. It won't even flinch.
'Readme.bas - a text viewer using a random access file as a temp
'holder of text file. This is just a project I did just to say I
'had done it. I did. Yes, there's room for improvement, but I
'never did add to it.
'Written by CGFiend
'strip is a sub to remove chr$(12) (line feed char) from a string
DECLARE SUB strip (a$)
'template for data file
TYPE DataFileTemplate
LineOfText AS STRING * 80
DIM DataFile AS DataFileTemplate
PRINT : PRINT "No filename specified. Usage: README filename.ext": PRINT : PRINT
GOTO endit2
'File not found? etc.
'record = 1 - record counter
Record = 1
'open input text file
'open output temp random access file
'On slow slow computers this'll display, otherwise it'll be too fast
LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Processing..."
'a return point
'get me a line from the text file
'check for end of file
'strip off chr$(12) (line feed) from string
strip (a$)
'truncate to 80 characters and store in temp data file template
DataFile.LineOfText = LEFT$(a$, 80)
'put line in temp data file
PUT 2, Record, DataFile
'increment record counter
Record = Record + 1
GOTO redo
'display routine
'open temp data file
'get max lines in file (max records)
Total = LOF(1) / LEN(DataFile)
'clear screen
'go to line 2, character 1
'display first 20 lines by reading from temp data file
FOR t = 1 TO 20
GET 1, t, DataFile
PRINT DataFile.LineOfText
'set min/max lines displayed on screen
Minimum = 1
Maximum = 20
'Display program title and usage keys on line 22
COLOR 15, 7: LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT " "
LOCATE 22, 1: COLOR 9, 7: PRINT "CGFiend's Text Engine v1.0"; : COLOR 15, 7: PRINT " Up,Down,PgUp,PgDn,Home,End,Q=Quit ": COLOR 7, 0
'another return point, this one is for user input
'trap for a key, if = nothing goto byp
k$ = INKEY$: IF k$ = "" THEN GOTO byp
'if not a scroll key (2 character input) go to byp: and check for
'single character input (Q = Quit)
IF LEN(k$) = 1 THEN GOTO byp
IF ASC(MID$(k$, 2, LEN(k$))) = 72 THEN
IF Minimum - 1 <= 0 THEN Minimum = 1 ELSE Minimum = Minimum - 1: Maximum = Maximum - 1
LOCATE 2, 1: FOR t = Minimum TO Maximum: GET 1, t, DataFile: PRINT DataFile.LineOfText: NEXT t
IF ASC(MID$(k$, 2, LEN(k$))) = 80 THEN
IF Maximum + 1 > Total THEN Maximum = Total ELSE Maximum = Maximum + 1: Minimum = Minimum + 1
LOCATE 2, 1: FOR t = Minimum TO Maximum: GET 1, t, DataFile: PRINT DataFile.LineOfText: NEXT t
IF ASC(MID$(k$, 2, LEN(k$))) = 73 THEN
IF Minimum - 20 <= 0 THEN Minimum = 1: Maximum = 20 ELSE Minimum = Minimum - 20: Maximum = Maximum - 20
LOCATE 2, 1: FOR t = Minimum TO Maximum: GET 1, t, DataFile: PRINT DataFile.LineOfText: NEXT t
IF ASC(MID$(k$, 2, LEN(k$))) = 81 THEN
IF Total < 20 THEN GOTO skipper
IF Maximum + 20 >= Total THEN Maximum = Total: Minimum = Total - 19 ELSE Maximum = Maximum + 20: Minimum = Minimum + 20
LOCATE 2, 1: FOR t = Minimum TO Maximum: GET 1, t, DataFile: PRINT DataFile.LineOfText: NEXT t
IF ASC(MID$(k$, 2, LEN(k$))) = 71 THEN
Minimum = 1: Maximum = 20
LOCATE 2, 1: FOR t = Minimum TO Maximum: GET 1, t, DataFile: PRINT DataFile.LineOfText: NEXT t
IF ASC(MID$(k$, 2, LEN(k$))) = 79 THEN
Maximum = Total: Minimum = Total - 19
LOCATE 2, 1: FOR t = Minimum TO Maximum: GET 1, t, DataFile: PRINT DataFile.LineOfText: NEXT t
'a label for skipping scroll key checks if len(K$) = 1
'exit to DOS if Q pressed
IF UCASE$(k$) = "Q" THEN CLS : PRINT "Text Engine v1.0": PRINT "(c) 1995 CGFiend": PRINT : GOTO endit
'status bar on line 1
'display # of last line on screen
'calculate location in file you are viewing as percent
perc = INT((Maximum * 100) / Total)
LOCATE 1, 20: COLOR 14, 7: PRINT "Line: "; Maximum; " "
LOCATE 1, 40: COLOR 8, 7: PRINT perc; "% ": COLOR 7, 0
'go back and check for keys
GOTO redo2
'error occurred, assume file not found
PRINT : PRINT "Path\Filename.Ext not found.": PRINT : PRINT
'skip kill of temp file since no temp file created
RESUME endit2
'close and kill temp file
KILL "87654321.TMP"
'sub to strip chr$(12) (linefeed)
SUB strip (a$)
k$ = a$
a$ = CHR$(32) + MID$(k$, 2, LEN(k$))
ELSE k$ = ""
IF a$ = "" THEN a$ = STRING$(80, 32)
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