There's a form with a text box field "id". Length of it is 14 including two - chars.
Its format is like AAA-00-0000-AA
The two chars should always display in the text box. The user only enters the alphanumeric number. The text string should be "AAA-00-0000-AA". I tried input mask. It becomes "AAA000000AA".
Also the user may not enter the last two chars. It should become "AAA-00-AAA". The - should not
count when the last two chars are not entered.
If you have any soultions let me know.
There's a form with a text box field "id". Length of it is 14 including two - chars.
Its format is like AAA-00-0000-AA
The two chars should always display in the text box. The user only enters the alphanumeric number. The text string should be "AAA-00-0000-AA". I tried input mask. It becomes "AAA000000AA".
Also the user may not enter the last two chars. It should become "AAA-00-AAA". The - should not
count when the last two chars are not entered.
If you have any soultions let me know.