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Terminal Server Printing question

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Apr 29, 2004
I have a Windows 2003 Server Terminal Server.

Is it possible to setup a network printer on the Terminal Server from a site that is connected by VPN/Wan?
Does it connect to the network direclty, or is it a local parallel/usb printer? If it is a network printer, on the server just add a new local printer, create a new tcp/ip port and connect that way. If it is a local printer, just share it from the locally attached pc and connect that way.

Or, you can just set up TS to use the local users attached printers (network or local). With SP1 you get a PCL fallback driver that works quite well if no local driver is found. Less support calls to add printers that way.
It has a network card installed and connects directly to the Network.

I set it up and added the Printer IP address as the Standard TCP/IP Port, but the print pages just went into error with nothing in the event viewer.

The user was logged into the Terminal Server at the time and can print to the printer from her FAT client
When trying to connect to a network printer over TS you will need to make a change on the client side for the redirection to work properly.

Prior to logging into the TS machine run the following script on the client PC. Just save the text in notepad and give the file a VBS extension.

' NAME: TSPrintFix.vbs
' AUTHOR: Mark D. MacLachlan , The Spider's Parlor
' URL: [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.thespidersparlor.com[/URL]
' (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved
' DATE  : 12/22/2003
' COMMENT: Fixes printing via terminal services to allow DOT4 printers
myPrompt = MsgBox("This script will set up your printers for use with Terminal Services",vbOKCancel,"Setup Printers for Terminal Services?")
If myPrompt = 1 Then 
	Set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	keypath ="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\AddIns\RDPDR\FilterQueueType"
	WshShell.RegWrite keypath, -1, "REG_DWORD"
	If WshShell.RegRead(keypath) = "-1" Then
		MsgBox "Setup was successful",,"Success"
		MsgBox "Sorry A Problem Was Encountered" & vbCrLf & "Make sure you have permission to write to the registry.",,"Something went wrong"
	End If	
End If

I hope you find this post helpful.


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