We're setting up our satellite office of 3-6 people with a file server (100Mbs network, no DC). I'm thinking about giving them something like Buffalo Terastation NAS device. It supports RAID5, you can attach a USB drive for the backup and a printer or 2. That's all that they need for the time being.
My initial concern was though that it's Linux-based and our set of NTFS permissions is not going to apply there. Buffalo tech support confirmed that. Furthermore, they said that their Terastation devices were not inteded as file servers but rather as backup devices. And that their Terastation will not run as 'robust' as a standard file server.
So, is the file access speed significantly slower for those NAS devices? We're going to use it to store simple wordprocessing and spreadsheet files, images. No databases.
My initial concern was though that it's Linux-based and our set of NTFS permissions is not going to apply there. Buffalo tech support confirmed that. Furthermore, they said that their Terastation devices were not inteded as file servers but rather as backup devices. And that their Terastation will not run as 'robust' as a standard file server.
So, is the file access speed significantly slower for those NAS devices? We're going to use it to store simple wordprocessing and spreadsheet files, images. No databases.