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Telnet via Ethernet on 11C

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May 27, 2002

I am very new to Option 11C programming so please forgive this question but I have looked on this forum and cannot seem to get a clear answer to this question.

Can one use Telnet to connect to the Switch so that one can do programming on it, like you can using the TTY port via serial cable?

It would appear that you need to setup the ethernet using a LD command to set the Ethernet address and subnet mask. This I have done. I can ping the switch with no problem.

When I try and connect via telnet I get an error saying that a connection cannot be made to port23 (that is the TCP/IP telnet default port.

I understand that you also need to do something with LD 17 about creating a "PTY" port. I haver no idea about how to do this step.

Further, I looked over a previous post and they talked about using Rlogin NOT Telnet to access the switch but you need some special passords and this is where I get totally lost in the M1 lingo.

Can anyone help me with a few simple step instructions as to if you can telnet and if so, how to do it?????

Hi Harold,

this some special password, what you talking about is the first thing what you need. If you do't know this, then it's not possible for you to have access to the M1 without using OTM soft from Nortel.
I use the CRT soft with Rlogin protocol to connect to the M1.
Setup for LAN connection

LD 117 (IP,MASK)
=> new host
Usage: NEW HOST <host_name> <ip_address> [<cabNo>]
=> chg mask
Usage: CHG MASK <net_mask> [<cabNo>]
=> chg elnk active
Usage: CHG ELNK ACTIVE <host_name> [<cabNo>]

LD 137 (to reset the elan)
dis elnk

enl elnk

LD 17 (PTY port)

REQ chg
TYPE adan
ADAN new tty 3(4,5...)
USER sch mtc


NORTEL does not want you using RLOGIN There is a special password but you will not find it anywhere in a post. If you have access to that level, I have been told by people in the know that NORTEL will not hesitate to sue if someone tried to change the code in order to make some copyright infringements. Besides it would cost a lot of money to repair any files corrupted by a hacker.

I think you may have missed my point in this post. I am in no way interested in &quot;hacking&quot; into to OS, nor am I intereested in changing any &quot;code&quot; in the switch. I am only interested in doing the exact same LD xx type commands that I can do with a serial terminal attached directly but rather using the ethernet as a vehicle to get there. That way, I can get to the switch programming from anywhere there is a PC on my LAN rather than having to get up and go over to the serial terminal inconveniently located near the switch..

hi salo,

confiure your ethernet and PTY ports as said in above.. and connect your switch to any port of your data switch,.

Then u have to telnet to the data switch and after login there u do a rlogin xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.(Ip address u assigned to our 11c)it will enter in to the PDT mode.

Hope u know the password for that..Else reply to this i will give........
then u should say

sl1serial input.

then it will take you to our normal maintmode..

Please note dont try to invoke meridian mail session by typing AX while you use rolgin then your M1 will hung.


THanks for your advice. I guess I must have stumbled onto the password because I am in using rlogin.

I guess you cant use telnet to the switch, eh? Great tip on not using the VM.

on the subject of telnet,

you should be able to attach tty port to a pc connected to lan and telnet from any pc

then use normal login same as tty
Dear Friends,

I'm new experience in Option 61c and very interesting on the subject of telnet.

I have connected to M1's tty1 with serial port of a PC(A), and also this PC(A) was attached to the local network, I just want to know could I use another PC(B) in this network to telnet this PC(A) and access the M1's tty1, how?

Juse direct telnet, but not pcAnywhere application(This software response very slowly), your advice will be so appreciated!

I have almost 60 pbx's that I manage and I telnet to all of them. I have an Omintronix DataLink Buffer hooked to each via two of the TTY's. One is for CDR collection and the other is for admin. I have an IP address assigned to the buffer and all I have to do is telnet to that ip, type access password for the pbx admin port on the buffer and wallah, I am at the > pbx prompt. Since I use Procomm to get into my pbx I have all of them in my telnet directory and with one click I access the Datalink, then type one word and I am in the PBX ready to login. Works like a charm every time. And the best part is if the network is down for whatever reason I can use the internal Datalink modem to dial into the buffer and then using that same port password get into the PBX just like I did when I telnetted in.

And to even sweeten it further, the Datalink has 6 ports, so I can use one for CDR, one for Admin, one for power alarm notifications, one for traffic, one for Meridian Mail, etc etc. Also, if the TTY port for admin is disabled, and the analog modem is hosed, I can get in via the CDR port.

I highly recommend them.

Just a thought.
We do this utilizing a Digi-port server. Just setup up TTY and connect it to a port on the digi. All you need to do is telnet to that Digi port.
I have an Option 61c and have to ask a question... I've understood all about assigning the Ip address and configuring a port etc, but what exactly am I connecting my LAN to on the Opt 61c? I assume I have to convert the Cat5 plug from the lead on the hub to some sort of serial plug for connection to the PABX? I've looked at the back of the PABX and found all the usual TTY ports etc, but I'm not 100% on what my LAN is meant to connect to. Thanks.
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