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TELNET and FTP dont work

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Sep 3, 2001
I've got Mandrake 8.2 installed and I want to transfer over my html files from a Mandrake 7 server. The problem is FTP and telnet doesn't work from any PC or server to my new Mandrake machine. I always get "connection refused".

I have checked these forums out and there is mention of files like xinitd.d/telnet and ftp but I havent got any of these files. FTP and telnet do work from the mandrake 8.2 machine out though. Any ideas anyone!!
I ran into the same issue on a previous version of Mandrake. I found that under the default install, it had setup a firewall that had the ports for Telnet and FTP blocked. You may want to check this first. Try doing an ipchains -L see what it comes back with. If there is no firewall, then make sure that you have these services loaded, and started. Chances are you do. I would tend to bet the ports are blocked. If they are you will want to have those clear. Ports 23, and 21 I think, Someone correct me if I am wrong. Check out the man page for ipchains. If ipchanins has the ports blocked you can either setup a new rule that allows access, or if you dont care about having a fire wall you can flush the rules.
You may also want to take a look at. /etc/hosts.allow

Other issue to be able to know if you have alredy open your ports it's to install &quot;nmap&quot; programm if you don't have it, and run it as follow: nmap -sT -PT <your ip addres>

I you can see a priny out like this:


Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
Interesting ports on imix.ericsson.se (
(The 1589 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
631/tcp open ipp
6000/tcp open X11

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1 second

It 's mean that I have open those port in my machine. first take alook arround this.

Then the easy way to open a port open the Mandrake Control center and should be a part of &quot;system&quot; and the &quot;services&quot;, just look in telnet or ftp deamon (as you wish) and start it. The running the &quot;nmap&quot; and thats all you'll be able to connect to your machine.


sorry about last post it,

If you dont have installed the nmap command just searching into first 3 disks of mdk distribution or you can download from: , and install it. remember if you want know more about nmap take a look arround man pages

good look !!!

the force be with you

Thanks for the replies guys.

I thought I'd check the ports out first. I've tried running ipchains and its not found, there are no man pages for it either.

How can I flush the rules because I dont want any kind of firewall.

Also I've double checked to make sure ftp is installed by doing an rpm -qa |grep ftp and it comes back with:

Any other ideas? Thanks

Make sure the internet wrapper xinetd is installed and running.

Then check the logs in /var/log to see if there is any evidence in there for what is going on.
Mandrake 8.2 is pobably using IPTables and not IPChains...

also are you trying to conenct as a regular user ...or as root ? Most times root will be denied.. or are you saying the services are just not running ?
I am trying to connect as a normal user. I'll see what iptables comes back with.

Also I would have though the ftp and telnet services are running as I can ftp and telnet out of the machine.
&quot;Also I would have though the ftp and telnet services are running as I can ftp and telnet out of the machine.&quot;
That doesn't mean that the services are running on that machine. If that would've been the case, anyone wanting to use FTP would have to run an FTP server. //Daniel

Any news from the logs?

Just for info, you don't need local ftp or telnet daemons running to use ftp or telnet clients. Also, the servers are normally not running continuously - the internet daemon (xinetd or inetd) which is running will start one of the other servers when an appropriate request is recieved. Unless the installation has been configured without it and the telnet and ftp servers have been configured to start via the SYSV system.

Have you tried ftping or telneting from the local machine to the local macine? This will probably bypass any firewall configuration and connection restrictions set up by the tcpwrapper /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files.

Also, you can display the ports that inetd/xinetd or other daemons that don't use them (like apache) are listening on with the command:

netstat -lnt
I tried iptables but I haven't got it. At least theres no man page for it and trying to run it says &quot;not found&quot;.

Also I have tried ftp'ing from the machine to itself and it says &quot;connection refused&quot;.
Sorry to keep going on about the logs but they will probably say why the connection is being refused - provided the connection is gettng through to inetd. Can you find anything in them?

Also, what's the result of running:

netstat -lnt

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