I'm designing a DB for a phone system and it must be access in realtime giving the account information to make the call.
Here is my question:
I know that the difference to access to tables without foreing keys are faster than tables with foreing keys, but how much?
It´s a good design idea to get off all foreign keys in tables that it will access in realtime?
any suggestion are welcome...tanks!
I apologize by my poor english!
I'm designing a DB for a phone system and it must be access in realtime giving the account information to make the call.
Here is my question:
I know that the difference to access to tables without foreing keys are faster than tables with foreing keys, but how much?
It´s a good design idea to get off all foreign keys in tables that it will access in realtime?
any suggestion are welcome...tanks!
I apologize by my poor english!