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Task Fixed Duration, Variable Resources 1

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Technical User
Aug 6, 2001
There is probably an easy way to do this but I'll be doggoned if I can find it.
I have production tasks that last a Fairly predictable number of production man-hours.
What I want to do is enter a fixed number of hours in TaskInfo/Duration and then a start (but no finish date). I would like then to be able to what effect changing the number of resources allocated has on the Finish date.
When I try to do this, Project tends to start sliding the Start date around and changing the Duration.
This seems like it ought to be a pretty basic function. I've been through the Book and the Help but I must be overlooking something.
have a play with 'task type'.
if i understand your question
allocating more resource to a task with predictable hours should change the duration!
In principle
halve the resources - doubles the duration
double the resources - halves the duration
whether this physically can be achieved is another issue, understanding the scope of work will indicate if this can be done.
Nagor (in the answer above) has given you a good start. You should also look at modifying the Effort Driven flag.

I keep promising myself that I will one day sit down and document the exact behavior in each situation but never seem to find the time.

You should also be made aware that some behaviours when the task is being initially created are different from the behaviours when an existing task is being edited (this actually makes sense, believe it or not).

I recommend:

1. Create a new project and display the columns for Type and Effort Driven.

2. Create a bunch of tasks to cover all possible combinations of Type and Effort Driven. You will find that there is one combination that can't be created. (I'm not going to tell you which -- you'll find out!)

3. Add resources to *existing* tasks and see the impact. Make notes <grin>.

4. In future (i.e., on your real schedule), always create the tasks and, after creating all of them, go back and assign resources.

I am having a very similar issue. Resource Paul to work 6 hours to complete a 6 hour task on Monday. - no problem
Resource Paul to work the remaining 2 hours on Monday on a new 4 hour task and the balance of 2 hours on this task on Tuesday. - Problem: When I enter the 4 hour duration, MP calculates the start and finish dates both on Monday. Then, I have Paul scheduled for 10 hours that day (instead of the normal 8 hours). When I try to change the finish date to Tuesday so he could work 2 hours on this task on Monday and 2 hours on Tuesday, MP automatically increases the duration to 16 hours vs. my original 4 hours. I am having a nightmare of a battle with this issue as all of my tasks will be split between days and I cannot get project to allow for such splitting. I have set the baseline of 4 hours for this task, however, my calendar is a mess because I can't schedule people for accurate dates and times. Please help!!!!
Tools | Options | View tab

Change date format to one with date and time.
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