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tape drive not recognized 1

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May 3, 2002
I have a seagate scsi tape drive. 4mm dds. I can do a scsi-probe-all form the ok prompt and it sees the tape device. I can't see it from the OS. I have tried installing LGTO scsi drivers and no luck. Any suugestions or help would be appreciated.
Have you done a [tt]boot -r[/tt] from the [tt]ok>[/tt] prompt? This reconfigures devices during the boot and is needed when adding hardware like this.

Also make sure you have proper SCSI termination and it is set to a target ID that's not in use by another device. This shouldn't be the problem if you can see it in a [tt]probe-scsi-all[/tt].

Hope this helps!
For tape drive you can use targets 4 or 5.

After installing all hardware,

#drvconfig; devlinks

#cd /dev/rmt/
#ls -ltr (this will show you newly created devices)

#mt -f /dev/rmt/x status

hope this helps.
I tried the boot -r. No luck.
I tried the second suggestion, everything seemed to work.
Listed new devices, and recieved this message
/dev/rmt/0: no tape loaded or drive offline

Do I need to do anything to bring it on-line or is it a hardware problem. I tried with and without a tape in the drive. Same message.

Thanks for the help.

I ran into a similar problem awhile back and it turned out that our tape drive could only use a certain tape. Ours was a DDS4 and could only us Mammoth tapes. The Sun Technician thought it was hardware and replaced the tape drive with an identical unit. We tried 2 new Sony tapes and it still wouldn't work. Took him 2 days to solve the problem. Might be worth checking out.
You need to have a tape loaded in the drive when you invoke
mt -f /dev/rmt/x status otherwise you get "no tape loaded or device offline"
what does the x in /dev/rmt/x standsfor ? while i have this many in rmt folder.. What should i replace for x ?

# cd rmt
# ls
0 0bn 0cb 0cn 0hb 0hn 0lb 0ln 0mb 0mn 0u 0ubn
0b 0c 0cbn 0h 0hbn 0l 0lbn 0m 0mbn 0n 0ub 0un
While tapes cmd shows the following while Tape is loaded
# tapes
Should only have symbolic links in /dev/rmt; /dev/rmt/0 is not a symbolic link
Should only have symbolic links in /dev/rmt; /dev/rmt/0mb is not a symbolic link
Pls suggest me to invoke my DDS 3 4mm DAT tape drive which i cudn't use :(
i have met the same problem yestoday just as your description,and i solve this problem following below steps:

#cd /dev/rmt/
#rm -rf *
#devfsadm (issue this cmd if you run solaris 8,if you run pre-release version,'drvconfig;devlinks;tapes'will do the same thing)
insert the tape in your tape driver and issue:
#mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status

the tape works,dosn't it?
From the mtio(7I) man page:

[tt] /dev/rmt/<unit number><density>[<BSD behavior>][<no rewind>]

Where density can be l, m, h, u/c (low, medium, high,
ultra/compressed, respectively), the BSD behavior option is
b, and the no rewind option is n.

For example, /dev/rmt/0hbn specifies unit 0, high density,
BSD behavior and no rewind.[/tt]
so u meant my tape is recognized since bcoz it shows several files like above i mentioned ?
Hi Annihilannic,
Commands executed with Tape loaded on drive
# mt -f 0 status
mt: Inappropriate ioctl for device
# mt -f 0bn status
HP DDS-3 4MM DAT tape drive:
sense key(0x6)= Unit Attention residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 0 block no= 0
# mt -f 0cb status
HP DDS-3 4MM DAT tape drive:
sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense residual= 0 retries= 0
file no= 0 block no= 0
# mt -f 0mb status
mt: Inappropriate ioctl for device

# tar xvfp /dev/rmt/0
x /usr1, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x /usr1/we@endpoint.jpg, 20518 bytes, 41 tape blocks
x /usr1/we@sringeri.jpg, 27010 bytes, 53 tape blocks
x /usr1/subhramanya.jpg, 29702 bytes, 59 tape blocks
x /usr1/Sagarlake.jpg, 73904 bytes, 145 tape blocks
x /usr1/parents@endpoint.jpg, 13512 bytes, 27 tape blocks
x /usr1/newsabtjp.jpg, 1063781 bytes, 2078 tape blocks
x /usr1/kuppupanamburbeach.jpg, 81874 bytes, 160 tape block

After removing the tape.

# mt -f 0un status
0un: no tape loaded or drive offline

1. what is ioctl ? Pls let me know wat's going wrong.. And pls comment about the status of CDROM.
2. Is tar xvfp /dev/rmt/0 shows content to be copied in tape ? If so can u guide me how to copy it to Tape.

1. ioctl() is a function that sends an I/O control to a device. The error message means that the specified device doesn't support the 'status' command.

Do an ls -l 0 0bn in /dev/rmt and check whether they are linked to the same device.

2. tar xvfp /dev/rmt/0 means e(x)tract, (v)erbose, from specified (f)ile, retain (p)ermissions. You will probably find you have extracted those files into /usr1.

To write a directory and its contents to tape you would use cd directory/.. ; tar cvf /dev/rmt/0 directory. Annihilannic.
Hi annihilannic,

Thank You very much... I could able to copy and retrieve with those commands u gave.. Studying further about ur informations..

Thanks again.
Hi annihilannic,

Sorry to bother you again. Is it possible to take backup of root directory itself from terminal mode ? or i should go to boot prompt to take backup ?

It is possible, but not recommended on a busy system as files could be changing while the backup is running.

Be careful using tar to backup the root filesystem because it will probably back up all your other filesystems at the same time. Perhaps use ufsdump instead (presuming your root filesystem is UFS of course)?

[tt]ufsdump 0f /dev/rmt0 /[/tt] Annihilannic.

You can't execute anything but boot PROM commands from the boot prompt so you will need to be in terminal mode (running the OS).

Depending on recived wisdom you should shut down to single user mode (init S) to do a root backup but in practice this is impractical and I've never had a problem from multi-user mode.

Be aware that if you use tar to back up root it will recursively back up all your other mounted filesystems as well. Have a look at using ufsdump to selectively back up each filesystem as a better solution (or indeed a commercial app. like Legato or Netbackup) if you use the no-rewind device i.e. /dev/rmt/0cbn you can put numerous backups on the same tape.

PPS. Judging from the inappropriate ioctl errors you reported earlier you have still not deleted the files /dev/rmt/0 and /dev/rmt/0mnb - check with 'ls -l /dev/rmt/*' they should all be special files (c or b at the beginning with zero size). If not, you are simply copying the files to and from a file on disc and will eventually fill up your root filesystem.
As recommended by Julian, I tried dumping / into tape in the multi-user level mode itself .. with the command
# tar cvf /dev/rmt/0 / to my goodluck it worked.

Now i use # tar xvfp /dev/rmt/0 to retrieve and the above command with respective directory to dump.

I haven't explored the possibilities of Appending to the tape drive and ufsdump command.

Tips about above two are most welcomed!!

Your best bet is to have a look at the man pages for these commands.

ufsdump allows you to dump entire ufs filesystems to tape (or file) and introduces the concept of dump levels - dumps of all data that has changed since a given point in time. This can considerably reduce the amount of data backed up on a daily basis.

ufsrestore is the command used to restore files back. Using ufsrestore you can restore the entire saveset or an selection of individual files using a simple command based gui.

Appending data to tape relies on the use of the no-rewind device (your tape device with an n on the end). E.g. /dev/rmt/0ubn - the ultra-compressed BSD no-rewind device on target 0. Normally at the end of a tape operation the device driver rewinds the tape to the beginning automatically. With the no-rewind device, the tape head is left where it was when the command completed allowing you to call another tape command to append data at this point. Each save (tar, ufsdump etc.) operation creates a new tape file terminated with an End Of File (EOF) record. Warning - If you don't use the no-rewind device, the tape will automatically rewind and overwrite the data at the beginning of the tape

You can manually position the tape using the mt command when you need to start recovery from a specific archive.

mt -f /dev/rmt/0n rewind - rewind to start (Position 0)
mt -f /dev/rmt/0n fsf n - move n EOF markers forward
mt -f /dev/rmt/0n bsf n - move n EOF markers backwards
mt -f /dev/rmt/0n asf n - move to absolute file n
mt -f /dev/rmt/0n offline

Normally you would use the ufsdump and no-rewind device to do a daily backup of all your filesystems to 1 tape per day.
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