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Taking Spam To Task

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Being as how they have as yet to identify the spammers, this will take at least a couple of years to get through the courts.

In the meantime, could I interest you in some V-!-@-G-R-@ ? :)
Spamers are smart how do they know my chest needs enlarging

[machinegun] Spamers

Thanks harebrain needed a good laugh this am. [thumbsup]

The spammers must have a secret link into my webcam.
They only offer me hair restorer, loans and viagra


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'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
hmm, elsewhere someone suggested forcefeeding them a can of spam each for each spam they send.

Would do several things:
1) create a huge new market for luncheon meat products
2) act as a powerful deterrent
3) provide business to dieticians and doctors from the suddenly ill spammers
4) make a good laugh for the rest of us if it's all aired on public TV and webcast.
4) make a good laugh for the rest of us if it's all aired on public TV and webcast.
Talk about "Reality TV"...that gives Fear Factor a whole new meaning!

Hope This Helps!


"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M.C. Escher

Looks like they get their man after all. A 2002 Porsche Boxter S was obtained by AOL as part of a settlement against a spammer.

"Finally, some payback for all that spam":
I was spam-free at home for years. But then the spammers brute-forced their way to my address, and now my mailbox is always full, and legitimate people who want to contact me are unable.

It turns out that the costs of spam are so low, it's worth their while to send mails to:
in the hope that one or more are valid addresses.

So, when picking your email addresses, use something at least 10 characters long.

Chip H.

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first
My ISP does a decent job of filtering. In addition, I have a Spamcop address, which I use for anybody that isn't in my address book (like online orders or posts to web-based forums).

The ISP routinely blocks about 100 spams per day. Any spam that sneaks through gets reported to Spamcop, with a copy sent to my ISP's special "block this from now on" address. I can only hope that they don't just block that particular address, but also do some pattern checking. I'm not confident that they do, but still, it beats 100 spams per day (usually I get no more than 5 or so per day - sometimes none at all).

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth with your eyes turned skyward, for here you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci

If anyone is looking for a good solution to spam, Postini ( has an excellent product.

My home email was so bad that I was just about thiiis close to changing email addresses (after having this one for over 6 years) when my company starting using Postini's services.

What I did was setup my home email address to forward to a work email address, which is filtered through postini and then forwarded to a private email address that I don't publish.

It's a rather extreme method, but I literally only get about a message or two a week. Postini traps well over a hundred a day.

That address again for anyone:


The answer to getting answered -- faq855-2992
any indication on the cost of their services and what it requires on the customer net to set up?
The subscription is sold on a per seat basis. I think the smallest pack is for 100 seats, and if I'm not mistaken, it's about $1/seat/month. So $1200/yr. This is from memory, though, so you'd need to call their sales folks to find out exactly.

If you think about it, though, that's really very cheap. Consider all the time each employee spends deleting (or worse... READING!!) spam.

As far as setup, it's real simple. You just point the mx records for your domain to postini, and postini filters and then forwards the mail on to you.



The answer to getting answered -- faq855-2992
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