For this you need to know how to read the manual backwards, as you'll see when we get to the LCR commands. First we need to know what 9 is set to in command 200.
Well we jumped a step there but lets assume we're on the right track. next we need to know what you get for 8A0000 de 1 de you can then step on to 2 and so on till you get "none" this is the sequence of choice for outgoing calls the last two digits are the route number the first three take us further into LCR and that is where we need to go. In this instance we aren't interested in the last two digits. so if the number you get is XXXYY then the next command is 8A5XXX de 000 de which shows the toll patern number. assuming you want to go this deep.
However a quicker way would be to look at what you get for...
etc (keep going till you get a four digit number
then go to 8A4005 de 8 de and enter CCC to clear it.
then in 8a4005 enter the following
80 de 0000
81 de whatever you got for 2xxx
82 de 0000
83 de 0000
etc up to
89 de 0000
you will also have to expand command 850 in much the same way for the number of digits you have to dial for these numbers. Note in CMD 850 you can't use CCC you either have to set the entry back to 24 digits or to 00 to expand out.
This will only work if you don't have a complicated LCR set up so do a back up first in case things go wrong.
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