I need to get a list of all tables and fields that are currently on sql database this is for info only. We are thinking of a new system and I have been asked for all tables and fields within eg. table names field names field sizes etc etc..
I would like this in csv or txt so that I can email the info.
Why csv? A bit hard to read.
You can generate create table scripts from enterprise manager.
(I don't know how but it's been discussed earlier so a search or a look in the docs would surely help you out.)
In Ent.Mgr., highlight the tables icon, go to the Tools menu, and pull-down the Generate SQL Script... item. Should be pretty much self-explanatory from there.
In Query Analyzer, select Tools | Options and click on the Results tab. Select Comma Delimited for the Results output format. Run the following query and save the result to a file. You may find that you want to omit some of the columns from the output.
Use databsename
Select * from information_schema.columns
If you want to get the best answer for your question read faq183-874 and faq183-3179. Terry L. Broadbent - DBA
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