Help, please!
I am creating a database to store information about professional organizations. This information includes, for example, whether the organization offers continuing education (CE)credits, if it accepts CE articles for publication, and if it would allow linking to their website. (Unfortunatel, there are many more categories)
Here’s where I am confused: I don’t know how to properly relate the organization’s information with the many contacts and their information. There is a contact person for each of these subcategories (continuing education, publication acceptance, website linking). For example, Janet So-and-So is the contact for Big Org 1’s continuing education credits.
I do at least have a separate tables for the orgization’s info and the contact’s info. (I am even considering breaking out the org’s subcategories into separate tables; website linking, publications, etc.). BUT, I do not really even know how to relate the organization table to the contact information table.
Is it sufficient that I have located the first (OrgInfo) table's primary key in the second (ContactInfo) table as a foreign key? It does not seem likely b/c I have so many different contacts for each org.
Geeze, how do I even identify the fields for each of these contacts.
Alternatively, could I use a lookup table for each of these contacts, if I uniquely Id'd them? For example, I create a "weblinkContact" filed and set its properties to look-up a person in the ContactInfo table?
Any guidence would get me unstuck!
----------------1st Table----------------------
tbl OrgInfo
orgID = Primary Key
wlAvail = (Y/N) to website linking availability
???(weblink contact)
pubAccept – does org accept publications
???(publication contact)
???(continuing education contact)
---------------2nd Table----------
tbl ContactInfo
PK – conID
I am creating a database to store information about professional organizations. This information includes, for example, whether the organization offers continuing education (CE)credits, if it accepts CE articles for publication, and if it would allow linking to their website. (Unfortunatel, there are many more categories)
Here’s where I am confused: I don’t know how to properly relate the organization’s information with the many contacts and their information. There is a contact person for each of these subcategories (continuing education, publication acceptance, website linking). For example, Janet So-and-So is the contact for Big Org 1’s continuing education credits.
I do at least have a separate tables for the orgization’s info and the contact’s info. (I am even considering breaking out the org’s subcategories into separate tables; website linking, publications, etc.). BUT, I do not really even know how to relate the organization table to the contact information table.
Is it sufficient that I have located the first (OrgInfo) table's primary key in the second (ContactInfo) table as a foreign key? It does not seem likely b/c I have so many different contacts for each org.
Geeze, how do I even identify the fields for each of these contacts.
Alternatively, could I use a lookup table for each of these contacts, if I uniquely Id'd them? For example, I create a "weblinkContact" filed and set its properties to look-up a person in the ContactInfo table?
Any guidence would get me unstuck!
----------------1st Table----------------------
tbl OrgInfo
orgID = Primary Key
wlAvail = (Y/N) to website linking availability
???(weblink contact)
pubAccept – does org accept publications
???(publication contact)
???(continuing education contact)
---------------2nd Table----------
tbl ContactInfo
PK – conID