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Table question

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Technical User
Jul 22, 2001
I have a webpage with 3 verticle tables. The 1st with text, the 2nd with pics, and the 3rd with advertisements. However, you can't see the far right cell without scrolling to the left (and I don't think advertisers will be to happy with that). I've made the pictures smaller, which works, but you can barely make them out. Right now the pictures are only 200pixels wide. What I would like is to make the first cell skinnier, to about 300 pixels. I used this command in the 1st cell (<td WIDTH="300">), but itjust made the text skinnier, not the actual cell.
Thanks in advance for any help.

do you have any code to paste, or a link?

[tt]tastes great, less filling.[/tt]
well, the first thing I noticed was that you're not even using [tt]<tr>[/tt] tags!

Here is the basic format of a table:


So, first thing I suggest you do is adding the [tt]<tr>[/tt] and [tt]</tr>[/tt] tags in their appropriate places (right after the opening [tt]<table>[/tt] and before the closing [tt]</table>[/tt].

[tt]tastes great, less filling.[/tt]
I put that in and it didn't make a differance. The <tr> denotes that you want a new table row. In this case I want all my tables on one row. Thanks though.

No offense, but there are numerous aspects of your HTML that are not valid. You can see them all by giving your html a complete doctype, then using the validator.

Some off the top of my head are: the missing <tr> tags, the missing <body> tag, no doctype, no encoding type, out-of-date tags, etc.

The code below, with a doctype, will still not validate, but will be resized statically, with the first cell having a width of 300 pixels, while the second and third cell will both have widths of 200 pixels.

Notice this is just the table code that I've pasted here.

<table CELLPADDING="8">
<td style="width: 300px;">


<a Name=#description>
<P><b>Evergreen </b><br><b>Tree </b><br><b>Height:</b> 100ft (30m) <br><b>Spread:</b> 30ft (9.1m) <br><b>Leaf:</b> Dark green needles that comes in a bundle of 3.  They are often more than 12 to 18in (30 to 46cm) long and have a slight weeping habit. <br><b>Bloom:</b> N/A <br><b>Fruit/Seed:</b> Cones that are 7 to 10in (18 to 25cm) long. <br><b>Trunk:</b> Brown, thick, and rough. Grows to be 3ft (0.9m) in diameter. <br><b>Stems/Branches:</b> Ascending with the cones and needles on the very end.  The bud on the end of the branch is a slivery-white. <br><b>Roots:</b> Very deep tap root with a large root spread.</b>

<a Name=#culture>
<P><b>Light:</b> Sun through part shade. <br><b>Soil:</b> Well drained <br><b>Nutirents:</b> Medium fertility. <br><b>Moisture:</b> Medium. <br><b>Pruning:</b> None. <br><b>Growth Rate:</b> Rapid

<a Name=#care>
<P>Plant and leave alone.  Try not to run over the palustris with the lawn mower while in its grass stage which lasts two to four years. 

<a Name=#location>
<P><b>Native</b> to the South East United States and west to Texas. <br><b>Zones</b> 7-9

<a Name=#usage>
<P>Mass and Specimen.

<a Name=#features>
<P>This pine is unique in that the first few years it actually looks more like a tuff of grass, this is beacuse the tree is busy growing it's long taproot. Once the taproot slows its growth the tuff of grass shoots up, often growing 5ft (1.5m) in one season. <br> The cone and needle are the biggest in the Pinus species.  <br> The palustris has a unique white bud at the end of its branches, which makes it very easy to identify. <br>The Longleaf Pine is the state tree of North Carolina and Alabama.

<a Name=#pests>
<P><b>Insects:</b> Bark beetles, sawflies, pine-shoot moth, and pine weevils <br><b>Disease:</b> Rust 

<a Name=#propagation>
<P><b>Seed:</b> Can be planted as soon as collected. However, if seeds are held they should be sealed and kept between 5 to 32°F (-15 to 0°C). Also, the seeds should not be allowed to dry out. Pine seeds can be held for considerable amounts of time without losing viability.
<P><b>Transplant:</b> Easiest to transplant while in the grass strage in the first few years.  Once the tree has developed its long tap root it's very difficult to transplant.

<a Name=#warnings>
<P>Breaks fairly easily in strong storms i.e. hurricans catagory 2 and up.
<center><P><img src=/plantworld/9.jpg></center>


<td valign="top" ALIGN="left" style="width: 200px;">
<a href=/plantworld/image/Pinus_palustris_juvenile.jpg><img Height=150 Width=200 src=/plantworld/image/Pinus_palustris_juvenile.jpg></a>
<P><a href=/plantworld/image/Pinus_palustris_bud.jpg><img Height=150 Width=200 src=/plantworld/image/Pinus_palustris_bud.jpg></a>
<P><a href=/plantworld/image/Pinus_palustris_sapling.jpg><img Height=150 Width=200 src=/plantworld/image/Pinus_palustris_sapling.jpg></a>

<td valign="top" style="width: 200px;">
<img src=/plantworld/2.jpg>
<p><img src=/plantworld/3.jpg>
<p><img src=/plantworld/4.jpg>
<p><img src=/plantworld/5.jpg>

[tt]tastes great, less filling.[/tt]
I don't have a validater, or know what one is. This is all html that I typed in Notepad. Where can I get one?

I copied the html you gave me and paste it on the site, but I'm still getting the mysterious blank spot.

Any more ideas?

Here's a link for the validation of your page.
Once you set yourself up with a complete doctype and some character encoding, that link will show you some of the things you're doing wrong.

Sample complete doctype (goes at very very top of page):
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
	"[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">[/URL]
Sample character encoding (goes between the <head></head> tags:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

[tt]tastes great, less filling.[/tt]
Anyone else have any ideas on how to fix this problem?
The table problem that is!

Why do I even bother?

[tt]tastes great, less filling.[/tt]
I'm sorry everyone, I'm a retard. I just now figured it out! The reason the 1st box wouldn't get any skinnier is because of the banner at the very bottom of the cell. I moved the banner out of the cell to the bottom of the page.
Now everything works great.

It's always something simple :)>

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