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Table columns in CGI 1

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Technical User
Feb 16, 2001
Hi all, I have a script that someone else wrote that I am trying to do some small mods to. The only thing I have left to do is have the output in a 2 column table instead of a 1 column.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading!

my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:farthing_valleyweb','farthing_farthin','ginajim')
                or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM valley WHERE category = ?')
                or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr;
# Collect parameters that determine where we are in the display.
# Default to beginning of result set, 10 records/page if parameters
# are missing/malformed.

my $cat1 = param("search1");
my $cat2 = param("search2");
$search = param("search");

if ($cat1) { $search = $cat1 };
if ($cat2) { $search = $cat2 };

my $start = param ("start");
$start = 1
    if !defined ($start) || $start !~ /^\d+$/ || $start < 1;

my $per_page = param ("per_page");
$per_page = 10
    if !defined ($per_page) || $per_page !~ /^\d+$/ || $per_page < 1;;

# If start > 1, then we'll need a live "previous page" link.
# To determine whether or not there is a next page, try to select one
# more record than we need.  If we get that many, display only the first
# $per_page records, but add a live "next page" link.

# Select the records in the current page of the result set, and
# attempt to get an extra record.  (If we get the extra one, we
# won't display it, but its presence tells us there is a next
# page.)

if ($type eq 'alpha') {
$query = sprintf (
                "SELECT name, address, city, phone
                FROM valley
				        where name like '$search%'
                ORDER BY name LIMIT %d,%d",
                $start - 1,         # number of records to skip
                $per_page + 1);     # number of records to select
} else {

$query = sprintf (
                "SELECT name, address, city, phone
                FROM valley
				        where keywords like '%$search%'
                ORDER BY name LIMIT %d,%d",
                $start - 1,         # number of records to skip
                $per_page + 1);     # number of records to select
my $tbl_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ($query);

$dbh->disconnect ( );

# Display results as HTML table
my @rows;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $per_page && $i < @{$tbl_ref}; $i++)
    # get data values in row $i
    my @cells = @{$tbl_ref->[$i]};  # get data values in row $i
    # map values to HTML-encoded values, or to &nbsp; if null/empty
    @cells = map {
                defined ($_) && $_ ne "" ? escapeHTML ($_) : "&nbsp;"
                } @cells;
    # add cells to table
    push (@rows, Tr (td (\@cells)));

$page .= table ({-border => 0}, @rows) . br ( );

# If we're not at the beginning of the query result, present a live
# link to the previous page.  Otherwise present static text.

if ($start > 1)                 # live link
    my $url = sprintf ("%s?start=%d;per_page=%d;search=$search",
                        url ( ),
                        $start - $per_page,
    $page .= "[" . a ({-href => $url}, "previous page") . "] ";
else                            # static text
    $page .= "[previous page]";

# If we got the extra record, present a live link to the next page.
# Otherwise present static text.

if (@{$tbl_ref} > $per_page)    # live link
    my $url = sprintf ("%s?start=%d;per_page=%d;search=$search;type=$type",
                        url ( ),
                        $start + $per_page,
    $page .= "[" . a ({-href => $url}, "next page") . "]";
else                            # static text
    $page .= "[next page]";
$page .= end_html ( );

print $page;
Very hard to offer a suggestion wthout knowing what the current code produces for output as far as the table goes.

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
Sorry about that...

Produces 1 column, in the style of:




What I would like is something more along the lines of
field1 field5
field2 field6
field3 field7
field4 field8


Hopefully this will help. Here is part of a code I have copied and pasted from one of my scripts (just the 2 column table output part).

my ($data, @data, $column1, $column2));

$data = 'A1,B1:A2,B2:A3,B3:A4,B4';

@data = split(/:/ , $data);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<table border=1>\n<tr><th 
align=left>Column 1</th><th
align=left>Column 1</th><th</tr>

foreach (@data) {
($column1, $column2) =  split (/,/);

print "<tr><td>$column1</td>

print "</table>";

The result...

Column 1 Column 2
A1 B1
A2 B2
A3 B3
A4 B4


Sorry, I didn't check code before posting... Couple of mistakes...

my ($data, @data, $column1, $column2);

$data = 'A1,B1:A2,B2:A3,B3:A4,B4';

@data = split(/:/ , $data);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<table border=1>\n<tr><th 
align=left>Column 1</th><th
align=left>Column 2</th><th</tr>

foreach (@data) {
($column1, $column2) =  split (/,/);

print "<tr><td>$column1</td>

print "</table>";

all you need do is use an array slice and make as many cells as you want, so instead of this:

push (@rows, Tr (td (\@cells)));

you can do something like this:

push (@rows, Tr (td (@cells[0,1]),
                 td (@cells[2,3],
                 td (@cells[4,5]));

with array slices you can mix up the indexes to arrange the data how you want:

push (@rows, Tr (td (@cells[0,3]),
                 td (@cells[1,4],
                 td (@cells[2,5]));

it all depends on what is in @cells and how you want to layout the data.

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
Thanks for the replies guys!

Chris, I know how to do what you proposed but it just isn't right in this situation. But thanks for taking the time to reply.

Kevin, I think your solution will work, but I have a question.... After trying to integrate it into my script it still only pulls one entry at a time. Is there any way that I can get it to pull 2 entries at a time from the database?

In other words, right now my database is like

And your addition to the script has the same problems that mine had, in addition to me not knowing how to do the table.... Only pulling entries 1-4, then 5-8, then 9-12

Is there any way to have it pull 1-4 and 5-8 while keeping them seperate so they can be placed in different td's?

Thanks for everything!
All of your data is in the array reference: $tbl_ref:

my [b]$tbl_ref[/b] = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ($query);

You can get any or all elements of the array you want during the loop that generates the html table code:

for (my $i = 0; $i < $per_page && $i < @{$tbl_ref}; $i++)
    # get data values in row $i
    my @cells = @{$tbl_ref->[$i]};  # get data values in row $i
    # map values to HTML-encoded values, or to &nbsp; if null/empty
    @cells = map {
                defined ($_) && $_ ne "" ? escapeHTML ($_) : "&nbsp;"
                } @cells;
    # add cells to table
    push (@rows, Tr (td (\@cells)));

$i is the current index number of the array that the loop is working on. If you want the very next indexed element of the array yu can use $i+1:

for (my $i = 0; $i < $per_page && $i < @{$tbl_ref}[b]-1[/b]; $i++)
    # get data values in row $i
    my @cells = @{$tbl_ref->[$i]};  # get data values in row $i
   [b] my @cells2 = @{$tbl_ref->[$i+1]};  # get data values in row $i+1[/b]
    # map values to HTML-encoded values, or to &nbsp; if null/empty
    @cells = map {
                defined ($_) && $_ ne "" ? escapeHTML ($_) : "&nbsp;"
                } @cells;
[b]    @cells2 = map {
                defined ($_) && $_ ne "" ? escapeHTML ($_) : "&nbsp;"
                } @cells2;[/b]
    # add cells to table
    push (@rows, Tr (td (\@cells),[b](td (\@cells2)[/b]));

I doubt that will produce the results you want but you can fiddle round with the code until you get the table to display how you want.

Note the "$i < @{$tbl_ref}-1" in the loop initiator. You have to stop looping at the next to last array index if you always want to get the current index and the next index otherwise you go past the end of the array on the last loop.

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
That was it Kevin!

Thank you very much, have a star! :)

Really appreciate the help.
One more thing.....

I am pulling the data from the db and getting it into 2 columns. But, the data is turning out like this:

1st Choice GMAC Real Estate
2282 N. Augusta St.
1st Choice GMAC Real Estate - Diane Woodson
213 Meadow Beauty Court
1st Choice GMAC Real Estate - Diane Woodson
213 Meadow Beauty Court
1st Choice GMAC Real Estate - Minnie Stevenson
2282 N. Augusta Street

Notice the double entries....

I am using the routine from above with some minor changes....

for (my $i = 0; $i < $per_page && $i < @{$tbl_ref}-1; $i++)
    # get data values in row $i
    my @cells = @{$tbl_ref->[$i]};  # get data values in row $i
    my @cells2 = @{$tbl_ref->[$i+1]};  # get data values in row $i+1
    # map values to HTML-encoded values, or to &nbsp; if null/empty
    @cells = map {
                defined ($_) && $_ ne "" ? escapeHTML ($_) : "&nbsp;"
                } @cells;
    @cells2 = map {
                defined ($_) && $_ ne "" ? escapeHTML ($_) : "&nbsp;"
                } @cells2;
    # add cells to table
    push (@rows, Tr (td (\@cells),(td (\@cells2))));

As always, any help is greatly appreciated.....

I think you need to change the loop initiation code:

for (my $i = 0; $i < $per_page && $i < @{$tbl_ref}-1; $i++)

the very last condition, the increment: $i++ change it to: $i+=2

- Kevin, perl coder unexceptional! [wiggle]
That took care of it, excellent, thanks!

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Part and Inventory Search

