Working in CR8 to a SQL database thru' ODBC.
I need to create a report of exchange rates where I have divided a foreign rate by the gbp rate applicable on the same day, e.g. (USD) 1.00000 / 0.52308 (GBP) = 1.91175.
All of the rates are in the same table so I have tried to split it up by using an alias - using a sub-report is not an option!
I have linked two instances of an exchange rates table to a currency table thus: -
Currencies.Id -> ExRate.CurrId
-> ExRate_1.CurrId
and grouped by
Grp1 - ExRate.CurrId
Grp2 - ExRate_1.CurrId
Grp3 - EXRate.Date
Grp4 - EXRate_1.Date
I have then fully suppressed all of the sections bar Grp#3 & Grp#4 footers which I have conditionally suppressed as: -
Grp#3 Header - ExRate.CurrId = "GBP"
Grp#4 Header - ExRate_1.CurrId <> "GBP"
I now think this is where I have got lost because having inserted the CurrId fields in the appropriate group footers, CR is returning millions of records - definitely not right!
The concept of using aliases is obviously alien to me so any ideas on how to resolve this would be appreciated.
Working in CR8 to a SQL database thru' ODBC.
I need to create a report of exchange rates where I have divided a foreign rate by the gbp rate applicable on the same day, e.g. (USD) 1.00000 / 0.52308 (GBP) = 1.91175.
All of the rates are in the same table so I have tried to split it up by using an alias - using a sub-report is not an option!
I have linked two instances of an exchange rates table to a currency table thus: -
Currencies.Id -> ExRate.CurrId
-> ExRate_1.CurrId
and grouped by
Grp1 - ExRate.CurrId
Grp2 - ExRate_1.CurrId
Grp3 - EXRate.Date
Grp4 - EXRate_1.Date
I have then fully suppressed all of the sections bar Grp#3 & Grp#4 footers which I have conditionally suppressed as: -
Grp#3 Header - ExRate.CurrId = "GBP"
Grp#4 Header - ExRate_1.CurrId <> "GBP"
I now think this is where I have got lost because having inserted the CurrId fields in the appropriate group footers, CR is returning millions of records - definitely not right!
The concept of using aliases is obviously alien to me so any ideas on how to resolve this would be appreciated.