I have the following code in my VBA module which works fine on a comma delimited text file. However, my text file is tab delimited. I have looked everywhere for a comparable statement to "Microsoft Text Driver ..." for tabs.
Can someone put me onto the correct coding?
On Error GoTo ErrorReadingDecList
Dim wrkODBC As DAO.Workspace
Dim conn1 As DAO.Connection
Dim myRS As DAO.Recordset
Set wrkODBC = CreateWorkspace("ODBCWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
Set conn1 = wrkODBC.OpenConnection("", dbDriverNoPrompt, True, "ODBC;DRIVER={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};MaxScanRows=0;DBQ=" & strDB)
szSQL = "SELECT ApplicantAddress1, ApplicantAddress2, ApplicantCity " & _
"FROM " & strTable
Can someone put me onto the correct coding?
On Error GoTo ErrorReadingDecList
Dim wrkODBC As DAO.Workspace
Dim conn1 As DAO.Connection
Dim myRS As DAO.Recordset
Set wrkODBC = CreateWorkspace("ODBCWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
Set conn1 = wrkODBC.OpenConnection("", dbDriverNoPrompt, True, "ODBC;DRIVER={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};MaxScanRows=0;DBQ=" & strDB)
szSQL = "SELECT ApplicantAddress1, ApplicantAddress2, ApplicantCity " & _
"FROM " & strTable