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T7406e, fax, and UCX 1

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Technical User
Feb 19, 2005

I recently migrated a Norstar CICS to a UCX50. Almost everything works normally but there are a few nagging issues that I can't seem to figure out.

1. T7406e cordless sets, which worked perfectly fine on the CICS, now have bad static which renders them unusable. 6 sets in total on two base stations. Even though the bases were both set to the default dual-channel setting, they worked fine because generally only one set would ever be in use at a time. Now, with the static issue, I tried switching the bases to use channel A and channel B, but when I do that the sets keep deregistering, which seems very bizarre. I don't think that's the reason for the static issue anyway. I saw one poster in another thread saying they had the same static issue but no resolution was suggested. I know the firmware on the base and handsets is upgradeable, and since I bought them when they were very new on the market, I suspect that older firmware is the cause as I have heard others are using the T7406e on the UCX without issue. I'm hoping someone knows of the problem and can suggest a fix!

2. We can no longer send faxes out using a fax machine connected to an ATA on the digital gateway, where it previously worked without issue on the CICS ATA port. You can hear the remote side ringing and answering with fax tones, but the local fax machine eventually hangs up with a "busy/no response" message. Call completion does not appear to be the issue. The fax is a Brother MFC-8910DW and I tried changing the compatibility settings with no luck. To be clear, I can send a fax using the internal virtual fax on an IAX extension, and it works fine.

3. Incoming calls are routed to ring groups based on the incoming trunk. There is a noticeable delay in processing incoming calls, so the caller hears 2-3 rings before any phones ring internally. Is anyone else experiencing this or have a solution? Callers are frequently hanging up thinking no one will answer (there is no auto-attendant and that is not an option for this application).

I know it's lengthy, just wanted to get in all the pertinent details... thanks.
The T7406E cordless sets are most likely incorrectly detected. Just check the type of the phones reported by the UCx system (for example using Reports - Extensions Overview). If the type is a M7xxx, the system uses u-law for these sets instead of a-law - that's the reason for the static. Contact E-MetroTel support (they can configure the gateway to recognize the base stations correctly).

I assume you use analog trunks. The fax problems could be due to too low a volume, too high a volume or echo on the analog ports/trunks. There are several things you can do.
You should first tune the echo canceller on your analog trunks. To do that, make sure your analog trunks are connected and then start an SSH session to your UCx server (using for example PuTTY), log in as admin and run the command:
ucx_ectune X (where X is the number of trunks you have)
If the volume on the analog trunks is low, you might want to increase it. Use PBX - Tools - Configuration File Editor, open the file chan_dahdi.conf and increase the value of rxgain and/or txgain. Based on my experience, rxgain=3.0 and txgain=0.0 is usually a good starting point.
Finally, you can adjust the volume for analog ports - this time using the Digital Gateway's GUI - the page Gateway/Device Configuration. When you use analog ports for fax or data, make sure echo cancelation and AGC for analog devices is disabled (set on the same page).

Finally, the delay in handling of incoming calls... With analog trunks, the system is configured to wait for caller ID for up to 8 seconds and then continue - that could be the first two rings. If you don't have caller ID on your trunks, you should disable this feature by changing the value usecallerid=yes to usecallerid=no in the configuration file chan_dahdi.conf (that's the same file where you can set rxgain and txgain).
Hey ucxguy,

One of the first things I did was change the phone type to T7406 for the cordless extensions, but when I checked the extensions overview, they are listed as M7310! The extensions are individually set to T7406 - I will see if e-Metrotel support can help.

As for the fax, the AGC and EC are disabled and the volume is set to 80 in the gateway configuration. I will try your suggestion to tune and adjust the gain on the analog trunks, and we'll see how it goes.

I will try disabling caller ID to ensure that it is the source of the delay. If so, I guess we'll have to live with it.

Thanks for your help!
If you have detect fax enabled in the inbound route and not needed disable it. If you have a dedicated number for the fax line route it to the analog port without inbound route fax detect. That fax detection will cause a 3 to 5 second delay while trying to negotiate
In case anyone is wondering, e-Metrotel has issued a patch for the Digital Gateway that resolves the static issue. My T7406e phones now all work flawlessly.

Adjusting the FXO gain also resolved the fax problem.

Now if they would only update their logo...
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