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System will not POST

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Technical User
Jul 1, 2003
This is how it goes. I used to have an old computer at the office for internet surfing, MS office, etc ... not very demanding jobs. But suddenly while i was surfing the net, BANG the computer shut-down. When i restarted it the computer wouldn't POST, the CPU fan, the power led and the HDD led was working but no beep codes or video. Here are the systems specs:

PIII450 Slot1
SH6 Abit motherboard
1 64MB PC100 DIMM, 1 128MB PC100 DIMM
Gforce2 MX
CD-ROM (Hitachi)
CD-R (Ricoh)
8 GB Fireball
40GB IBM Deskstar

I know it wasn't much but it was good enough for what i wanted it for (The good one is at home for games, video/image editting etc)

I cleared the CMOS, took out everything except CPU and RAM but nothing, still not even a beep. I took out the RAM as well expecting at least the beeps from the RAM but still nothing.
Then i though that since POST doesn't even reach the RAM check then probably the CPU gave up on me. So i installed another PIII450 slot1 CPU. But again the same thing, no POST no beeps no video (tried it with different grafics cards and power supplies (300W) as well)

So my only logical conclusion was that my motherboard was faulty

And since i had to buy a new motherboard, i thought it was a good time to upgrade. Nothing great, but a disent system:

MSI KT2 COMBO-L (VIA KT266 chipset)

I took out the old motherboard and installed the new one, the new AMD cpu, my old DIMMS (pc100, the motherboard allows the use of pc100/pc133 DIMMS as well as DDR), and my old graphics card, CD-ROMS and HDDs. I've set the jumpers, made the connections, and started the system:stressed:
SAME THING AS BEFORE, system wouldn't POST, no beeps, no video.
I've cleared the CMOS ... no difference
I've set the FSB at both 100Mhz and 133Mhz .. no difference.
Tried another Power-supply ... No difference
Removed and refitted the CPU and fan .... No difference
(I cleaned the cpu and heatsink from the old grease, and applied new one)
I tool out the RAMS, HDDS, Video card, CD-ROMS ... no difference, still no POST no beeps

Oh by the way i know that the pc speaker is working.

The strange thing is that i have exactly the same response from both my old system and the newly upgraded one. And the only common things between them when i am trying to POST with minimum components installed, are the DIMMS and the case.

But even when i took out the DIMMS i should hear the beeps for missing RAM when the system is posting shouldn't I ? But no, still CPU fan, power led, hdd led working, no beeps no video.. no POST

I am sorry for the loooooong message but i wanted to shed as much light as possible because i can't figure it out myself.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Hi there,

some systems wont post if the IDE cable in use are either backwards or damaged... replace with newer cables and retry... check if your Drives are jumpered correctly aswell...

another thing to check is if you got front side USB connections (if they are wrongly hooked up it will not post either)... double check your FSB and multiplier setting... clear CMOS...



I would try at first Posting with just the GFX card, MEM, KB, and MOUSE, no other cards or drives attached... if it POSTS add one component at a time until you find the culprit...
Thank you BadBigBen, i am going to try changing the IDE cable (good idea !), and see what happens.
I am also going to check the USB connections.
Thanks again
Even though the leds are working it still could be the power supply.
Hi Moglis.

I agree with franklin97355.

I have had a near identicle problem to what you are having with your PC. Everything came on ok, but it would not POST. I did the same thing as you tried antoher motherboard... still have same problem, fans came on but it did not POST. It turned out that i had a faulty power supply.. I hope this helps and turns out to be the same problem as what i had. Get back to us and let us know.


Sounds like the power supply gave up. The power supply has different voltage lines like +12V,-12V,+5V,-5V, etc. If just one burns out everthing is history. This sounds like a classic Power Supply Failure.

If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
Hello everyone and thanks for your help.
I am afraid though, that the problem persists.
I've changed the IDE cables ... no difference
I've used another power supply, a brand new Aopen silent
300W, still same thing :(
Thank you anyway
I've tried anything i knew apart from changing the memory modules cause i don't have a spare memory module to test it with. But can it be this? i don't think POST even reaches the part that checks the memory, i took out the memory modules and still not a single beep :(

Any ideas ?

Take everything out except the video card and 1 DIMM (doesn't matter which one).

Hold down both mouse buttons and turn the power on (yes, hold down BOTH mouse buttons when turning on the power).

This might let the PC post.

If this does not make the system post, then turn off the power, and while holding down the INS key on your keyboard turn on the power.

One of those two might get a post and video to the monitor.

Good luck!

WOW i've never heard that before :)
Thanks edemiere, i am going to try it out.

I'll keep you posted
Thanks again
I am afraid it didn't work edemiere, but thanks anyway

Did you put the motherboard into PnP mode and NOT specify any settings with jumpers before performing my techniques?

Because if you had a faulty or bogus setting that could still cause the system to NOT post.

Let me know, I will see what else I can fish out of my bag of magic tricks.

The only settings that the motherboard allows me to do is to set the FSB either to 100 or 133Mhz, the hardware then detects the multiplyer automatically.
I've tried your techniques with 133Mhz since i've got an AMD Athlon XP 1800+. However, i could also try with 100Mhz to see what happens.

You mean there isn't a pure "Jumperless" mode on this board?

I don't think there is, i have to select either 100Mhz or 133Mhz. The default was 133
try the new Power Supply with the old MOBO and Chip, AMDs love to go into BOOTBLOCK if the system is dangerously unstable. Take the MOBO out of the case and lay it on a magazine, them insert the Video card with out dimms and try it, if you still have nothing then try another video card. if the problem still presists, reset the MOBO's CMOS to defaults. IF this still yet fails, check the monitor to see if it is functioning properly. Try in on another computer to ensure that it does indeed work. I've also seen Keyboards do this, so don't plug in the keyboard or the mouse when you try these things.
Problem fixxed or rather ... replaced.
I got another motherboard and everything was working fine.
I guess i am not the luckiest of guys ...
received two faulty motherboards in a row.
At least i hope i'll get a refund.

Take care and thanks for the help.
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