It means manufacturer/model, but generally if the same driver works with both (Computer A from which the image was created, and Computer B to which the image is being sent), you're OK.
I have a SYSPREP.INF file that loads any and all controllers, including SCSI. Email me if you want a copy. You can also load device drivers that are NOT in the original system but are in the system you want to install the image to. Universal Image does this automatically but we develop universal images here manually. What you'll need to do once you have the drivers in the image is to run SYSPREP.EXE with the /pnp switch. That forces the mini-setup to do a complete renumeration of the devices in your system.
Actually I got it from someone else who created it for that very reason. I'll upload it to a server where I can share files and provide a link; I didn't realize that this board hides your email address.
Two quick things. First, there's some comments in the file you can use to modify it for your environment. Second, I forgot that we took out all the SCSI statements because we don't use SCSI here. So if you use SCSI in your environment you can add your drivers below the IDE drivers. Just look at the format for the line, it's pretty straightforward. You just need the filename and location of the SCSI driver, and whatever name the SCSI adapter provides to the system.
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