This is probably an easy question but I couldn't find the syntax to do this anywhere. I just want to use VBA to modify a pulldown menu to open a word document (in excel). I can do it manually so there must be a way to do it using VBA
Note that this is excel 2003.
Set Btn_HelpSupps = AdminPulldown.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With Btn_HelpSupps
.FaceId = 49 ' Question Mark
.OnAction = "J:\helpfiles\helpdocs\MacroHelp.doc" ,-this isn't it - I know it's via hyperlinks somehow.
.Caption = "Supplementary Macro Help "
.TooltipText = "Supplementary Valutions Macro Help"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Enabled = True
.Tag = TheVersionTag
End With
Note that this is excel 2003.
Set Btn_HelpSupps = AdminPulldown.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With Btn_HelpSupps
.FaceId = 49 ' Question Mark
.OnAction = "J:\helpfiles\helpdocs\MacroHelp.doc" ,-this isn't it - I know it's via hyperlinks somehow.
.Caption = "Supplementary Macro Help "
.TooltipText = "Supplementary Valutions Macro Help"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Enabled = True
.Tag = TheVersionTag
End With