Usual lockups, restarts and general instability.
Usually happens when there is a demand put on the PSU say a CDrom starting to spin up etc.
Also you can sometimes audibly hear the heatsink fan/ power supply fan change tone as it slows down when a hard drive or some other device kicks in. Martin Just trying to help, sometimes falling short, I am only human after all.
I have to agree with paparazi the usual lockups, restarts and general instability, are some hint or maybe you PSU is dieing or the fan is not cooling enough.
Usually 2 hard drive and 2 cd-ROMs on a 250W is more the enough in a regular use.
You have done well so far but a PSU failure can often take out other hardware so my advice would be to change it before it blows taking that nice GF4 or moby.
350 watter should be OK, AMD recommended if you can afford it. Martin Just trying to help, sometimes falling short, I am only human after all.
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