i did play with the 2° and 3° release of Swcp (2° was Swrs), in 2000 and 2001.
It was not a great experience, and to say all, nearly a disaster.
I'm not curious to try it once mor, but i wish you good luck
We are using SWCP rls 4 with SU06. We run about 45k emails per month plus another 35k spam emails per month. We are using it with SCCS and do both dedicated email agents and blended agents. We are also doing Web Chat with it.
PalmCoast, I have installed SWCP 4.0 + SU06 on a customer site. They run about 10k emails per month today, but several email addresses should be implemented in the future. Dedicated/blended email agents.
Do you have implemented any spam-fiter in the soulution?
We have 387 email addresses corrently configured in the system. We have approx 200+ email responses set-up as well.
We use both an Exchange spam filter as well as key word groups in SWCP.
We where a Beta site for Nortel with this product. One of the features we have asked them to include was the ability to delete multiple emails for the workbook. Because the amount of spam that still gets into the system, it is very time consuming to open and delete each one at a time.
We do pretty well overall with spam getting it to our default skillset and in a closed status.
In SWCP you have the possibility to transfer a transaction to an external party. This is a useful functionality if the recipient does not use SWCP, but.... I do not understand why the SWCP transfer the complete history?
On customer site the customer is complaining about this feature. If an e-mail has been sendt to/from customer/SWCP several times and then the agent transfer the transaction to an external e-mail they experience up to 40 pages in the transfered e-mail. Customer transfer the transaction to another department for futher work. This department does not have SWCP.
Can anyone explain me when this feature is useful? I suppose using the BCC is better?
We are in the middle of an installation of SWCP 4.0. Current observations: 1) Product needs "short cut" keys implemented to facilitate quicker processing. Agents are required to constantly use mouse to navigate the system. 2) SWCP does not appear to allow the agent to close an inquiry at the end of the response without going through a multi step process. 3) As another user pointed out, the system does not allow for "bulk" deletions of spam email. Each inquiry must be reviewed and processed by the agent unless you have a technician with Java/SQL knowledge to query and purge. 4) Emails are not queued like calls where the oldest is served first in a multi skillset environment.
1) Yes, I agree. "Short cut" keys would be nice. I suggest that you request this feature in Nortel Enterprise Portfolio Suggestion Box.
2) Could you explain that more?
3) Spam is alwas a problem. Spam-filter should be implemented on the e-mail server (yes, it is expensive). On a customer site we are currently running a freeware spam-filter installed on a PC that is always logged into the e-mailboxes for SWCP. This is working! Be sure to set the SWCP Mailbox Scan Interval to 10 minutes.
4) I suppose you meen if you are running only one MM_Skillset the oldest transaction IDs are handled first? In a multiple MM_Skillset this could be difficult to understand. I have had a lot of questions for this from a customer. You need to understand how SWCP handels transactions in a multiple MM_Skillset environment (DTH & transaction Monitor Configurator -> Advanced Settings). Ask your vendor to explain in details how the transactions are handled in SWCP/SCCS (Maximum Open Duration, Maximum Acquired Duration and Maximum Queued Duration).
We use a product called Xwall for spam blocking. Xwall will tag an email based on content, and a list from 10 companies that keep up to date spammers. These are tagged before SWCP. We set up a rule in Exchange that filters these emails to a folder so they can be reviewed and verified that they are in fact spam. We average about 10 good emails for each 10K we receive. We also set up rules to help block spam and use Key Word Groups with workds like mortgage, viagra etc. This works well. We have the rule close the transaction and send it to the default skillset
We currenly have 18 MM_skillsets. If you change the above mentioned configuration, you can get it pretty close to acheving how you want it. Our thought is if the email is requeued, it should only be a matter of 10 minutes before it is presented again based on our configuration. You can leave that call in presented state longer if you need to.
As far as closing the transaction, we did the field trial for Nortel on SWCP RLS4,a year and a half ago. We requested the closed reason code feature. This allows more accurate reporting of the email. We handle email for 385 email addresses for our clients. We have to bill each time the agent handles the email. That's why we do not use "New Reply" in our system. All emails, even responses from customers, come in as "New Transactions. It still keeps all the history etc. but allows us to report more acurately. And bill correctly.
Reply's from customers go back to the end of the line.
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