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Symposium - ghost abandoned calls

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Sep 10, 2003
we have a symposium server running on an NT4.0 server with 3 nt4.0 clients.
my managers complain that the % of abandoned calls is too high and that there may be ghost calls produced. no rings are heard and all customer service people are logged but 1 or 2 abandoned calls show up every day without ringing or anything.

any advice?

A phantom call is a problem in which a call is shown as waiting in the Real-time Display forever, long after it is actually answered and released by an agent.

In order to understand why your % of abandon calls are high you will need to look at:
Application Delay Before Abandon, and see when your callers actually hang up. Then I would look at the design of your scripts, and either increase or decrease the timer of when your play your RANs and how often.

Another thing I would check is in your script make sure you have a check for IF NOT QUEUED in the event the call got dequeued - however this should go to your default setting.

Hi my friends:

Y have intalled SCCS version 4.02.06 with SU11S in W2000 server. It has presented the problems of the pantom calls in calls waitting in Real time displays. Y have used the tool PSCAN for erasing its, but it has not been efective. In our master script we use the sentence ¨IF NOT QUEDED¨ but its is not also efective.

Is there any solution without reboot of the server ?

Thanks In advance.

Sergio from Chile

did you use the "IF NOT OUT OF SERVICE skillset" command before queueing to the skillset?

The "IF NOT QUEUED" command is good especially in the loop statement, to avoid the calls waiting in the queue forever.
If you use real time displays to report application info, you may well get "phantom" calls. Imagine this script.

Play prompt lasting 5 seconds
Queue to skillset
Present to agent

If you are doing real time stats on application, then if the caller hangs up anytime, prior to the present to agent, then it will show as an abandoned call, without it ever ringing.
I always attempt to explain (usually to deaf ears), that RTD's are only a guide and that reports are far more acurrate.


Oh course I'll come back at lunchtime. When is it? Oh thats a shame, so's mine.
Forgot to mention, management will ALWAYS blame the hardware and not their lack of management skills for agents not answering calls (usually due to lack of staff, sickness, lunchtimes, gossiping etc)


Oh course I'll come back at lunchtime. When is it? Oh thats a shame, so's mine.
and there's never enough "bums on seats"

It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you.
Which report are you using to report Abandons? If you report on CDN's you will capture everything the moment the call hits Symposium. If you report via the Application, you will see everything once the Master Script sends the call to the script. If a call abandons while in the Master Script, it will tag the abandon to the CDN. We changed our method of reporting to using the Application as we did see quite a few calls abandon before they even got to the application. I guess some folks can't even wait two seconds!

Have you tried looking at the call by call report? Have a look to see what interval the call was abandoned in and then check your call by call report for the same interval (if it's not already enabled, you may need to set call by call for the app in question). The Call by call report should show exactly where the call was abandoned.

Call Centre Managers have a habit of blaming technology for abandoned calls, but it always comes down to bums on seats. It's just a pain having to drop what you are doing to prove that they don't know what they are doing!
What kind of PBX are you connected to?

Nortel released a patch that corrects the bug.

Contact your support team for information.

All of my pahantom calls went away with the addition of the patch
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