We are testing the latest version of Symantecs AV products. With very little success I might add. It's agreat thing, You install the server & get it running then deploy the client from the server(so the server can see the client pc at this time). Re-start the client once it's all done & dusted and the client is no-longer visable to the server but wait for it the server is nolonger visable to the client also. You have to love it. The clint config file (an xml file) has all the right settings in it to show where & to whom it belongs. It is a very frustrating product. Are there any of you out there that are silly enough to be trying to get this product to work. I have googled till the cows come home & it appears that I am not the only one with this issue. There is even a group called "I hate Symantec Endpoint Protection". Sadly they aren't able to offer much help just express the same level of frustration wiith this product.