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SX 200 ICP to 3300 ICP Migration

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Nov 17, 2010
Hello all,

I have been having terrible issues and nobody is happy right now at our office. We were struck by lightning and went to the 3300 ICP v5.0 sp2 PR1 sw from the latest software SX200ICP v5. I wish I knew where to begin. All of the programming is different. The newer system seems so much more complicated to program than the old one but, that will probably just take time. I could program an SX-200 ICP blindfolded.

I don’t know if I should start a separate thread for each issue, but I have tried searching which has helped some but get partway and then I’m stuck. Here is a list of issues that I would like to iron out if anyone has any suggestions

- PRI – I do not know how to assign an extension to an outgoing CPN. We have different departments which have different CPNs. The onboard manual seems tedious with all the links to click on and take you to another page then go back to find the next step.
- We have some old 5224s which is not an assignable device, only 5324s are available and when I try to register with the pin as a 5324 it does not take it.
- VM issues. None of the phones that have voicemail have the flashing indicator although the option in the CoS of the phone has it enabled. And one phone that has no callback or advisory or text messages in memory and no messages in the VM box for that extension does have the message waiting indicator light flashing and cannot get it to go off. I have tried rebooting. My phone is a 5360. Earlier today I could log in visually from the phone but now it says system error when I try to log in that way. Also when I call a user that is on another call the auto attendant says “I’m sorry the person you are calling is currently on the phone, I’m sorry the person you are calling is currently on the phone.” TWICE. Is there a new ADA? Unbelievable.
- Direct page – we use to be able to press a single button from the console pkm, ip phone, etc. to page the person immediately to see if they were at their desk or to ask them a simple question. The only way I see to do this know is to program direct page key and then have them press the users BLF button. Also there use to be an auto mic latch option in superkey. Now the user has to have there mic mute button flash constantly in order for the auto reply to work. Also it gives a ringback tone instead of a single page tone that took about .2 seconds. That is crazy IMO. Everyone thinks they have a message waiting and turn to their phone every minute when they see that. Is this really the only way?
- Really no PKM with a console? Why even make a PKM. What user would care to see who is on the phone at the split of a second instead of looking online. This is impractical for our operators. Sometimes they get up to get water, restroom, etc and if there computer is locked out when they run to the phone they must log on the computer to see who is on the phone? And the worst part, in order to transfer the call we must see if they are at their desk or transfer to their VM box. Nope not possible anymore. If you are on a current call the direct page feature key does not work.
- CoS is a joke. It doesn’t seem to work and to top it off there seems to be about 500 less features than the SX-200 was capable of. They need to update the “functionality on the SX-200 not available on the 300 ICP” migration guide.
- Door open capability does not work anymore really? You can’t make a feature access code activate the relay contacts anymore although they are physically there?
- MoH – so the MoH port on the back of the controller doesn’t do anything by default. I have to manually program it as a E&M which there are no instructions on how to do that. I have read the forum on how to do it but cannot seem to get it to work, or upload a proper .wav file. Any file I try to upload to the system tells me cannot file path whatever although I made sure it didn’t have any special characters and is a dos format file directory and name.
I am sure I will find things later on in a few hours. Any help is appreciated. I just want to go home and stop working 16 hour days trying to decipher their incomplete manual. The old Tech Docs in the folio were amazing.

P.S. yes I have rebooted the system multiple times even after changing the MoH stuff.

Thank you all for your help in advance.

One how do you type blindfolded? Two you should do seperate threads. Anyway my thoughts.

The onboard help is good even though not the best structured I have seen so since you don't seem to be trained on the product use it.

PRI- There is a Use the "DID ranges for CPN substituion" and "CPN substitution" forms to define extension numbers and CPN values that are sent when one of the defined numbers makes a call.
5224 dual mode phones are still listed as a programmable device. Flip your phone around and see if it says "dual mode" on the back. If so you can program the sets as that type. If not you are boned becuase you can't pin a 5224 if you programmed it as a 5324.
VM-lots of reasons why no MWI on your sets. You need the optiions in set COS ( which you say you have ) and you need the VM setup correctly. Can you give more details how the message waiting is setup?

Direct Page- you kind of go on a rant there so not really sure what you need. Yes you program a direct page key and have to put in the DN you want to page. Yes if you have auto reply the system shows you by having the mic key on. Its debatable if thats good or bad. They do not have a PKM for the console and many have asked for it.

Door open is not a feature on the 3300 but there a ways around it.

MOH- not sure what you are saying your error is.

I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.
Hmmm - I agree with the rant assessment. Are you looking for help or are you looking to get something off your chest - Choose.

At a glance, most of your real issues are solvable in simple ways and are the simply the mark of someone who is in over their head.

You've upgraded from a calculator to a computer and your complaining that the you have to press a few keys to open the Calculator application.

I am an expert on both systems, suffice it to say I prefer the 3300.

OK, there's the end of my rebuttal rant, now do you want help or not?

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Thank you for your replies,

Yes I was ranting but do need help. I apologize. The company that set up the system left us with it up and runnning with basic functionality, they had to go to another job. I do like Mitel and the new features but wish they would remain consistent in their upgrades. Otherwise I would have gone with a different company. By blindfolded I meant I knew what form number and what keystrokes to press before I was even in the form, regardless I need to learn the new system.

Direct page only works with auto reply if there is a flashing mic button on the phone. Rant or not that doesn’t seem to make sense. An option in the users superkey use to enable this function. Also you use to be able to program a DSS/BLF button as a call or page button. This doesn’t seem possible anymore from what I can see. If I type in a DN with Direct Page button is say the DN field must be blank, apparently it can only be used as a feature key.

Voicemail seems to be a bigger issue. I will just wait and see what the company that installed it has to say when they return.
MoH. I saw some instructions on programming the E&M module to accept an analog stream from the MoH port on the back but was unsuccessful in the end result. I programmed it in the correct form under analog and changed the music source from embedded to external with 4 1 3 1 as the source and it accepted but still do not get any music from our sat radio.

The CPN I can probably figure out once I digest the manual a little more.

There is definitely not a 5224 in the device assignments. It goes from 5220 to 5230. I will give more updates after the weekend. I am leaving the office for today. Hopefully the company that installed it can contact Mitel to get more support to resolve these issues.

Thank you again for your help.

Ok, I've had my coffee now. But I'm still ticked at the tone so I will be reponding in kind.

- PRI – I do not know how to assign an extension to an outgoing CPN. We have different departments which have different CPNs. The onboard manual seems tedious with all the links to click on and take you to another page then go back to find the next step.

The CPN substitution form as Loopylou describes or you can use the associated DN form. I would typically use the CPN table but the Associated DN form is more simple to understand. As to the tedious behaviour of the manual, all this tells me is that you're unwilling to help yourself. The Manual is excellent. I've encountered very few that I would consider better.

We have some old 5224s which is not an assignable device, only 5324s are available and when I try to register with the pin as a 5324 it does not take it.

PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. 5224 is very much an assignable device.

3 Clicks in the help file reveals:
This procedure applies to the 5005 IP Phone, 5010 IP Phone, 5020 IP Phone, 5140 IP Phone, 5205 IP Phone, 5207 IP Phone, 5215 IP Phone, 5212 IP Phone, 5215 IP Phone (Dual Mode), 5220 IP Phone, 5220 IP Phone (Dual Mode), [highlight]5224 IP Phone[/HIGHLIGHT], 5235 IP Phone, 5240 IP Phone, 5304 IP Phone, 5312 IP Phone, 5324 IP Phone, 5320/5320e IP Phone, 5330/5330e IP Phone, 5340/5340e IP Phone, 5360 IP Phone, Navigator, and TeleMatrix 3000IP Phone.

VM issues. None of the phones that have voicemail have the flashing indicator although the option in the CoS of the phone has it enabled. And one phone that has no callback or advisory or text messages in memory and no messages in the VM box for that extension does have the message waiting indicator light flashing and cannot get it to go off. I have tried rebooting. My phone is a 5360. Earlier today I could log in visually from the phone but now it says system error when I try to log in that way. Also when I call a user that is on another call the auto attendant says “I’m sorry the person you are calling is currently on the phone, I’m sorry the person you are calling is currently on the phone.” TWICE. Is there a new ADA? Unbelievable.

Well, just guessing here but have you thought that maybe, just maybe you've programmed things incorrectly?
Why do you thing the COS of the phone matters? Have you thought that maybe the COS of the VM port does?
Message waiting indicators flashing and no messages in VM? Whoh, stop the presses, thats nasty. Check the FAQ page, oh sorry, forgot, you don't like to read.
Using visual voicemail huh, fails? Have you programmed the visual voicemail options? whoops sorry, forgot, you like things to work without you doing anything.
2 Prompts. Wow, i wonder what might cause that, wait, oh I know, you have bilingual options enabled and the 2nd language is the same as the first. Who would do that? crazy!

I think I'll stop now. Might pick it up again later but I think I need to take a break. From the perspective of someone who can program the 3300 "Blindfolded", I must say you've got quite an attitude for someone who hasn't a clue what their doing.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
They're - Hate it when that happens

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
I think I've spotted your issue with the 5224 set.

When you open the device type dropdown, there is a scroll button to allow you to read down further, I know, reading again, but you do what you have to do.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
I'm going to try to stop being so snarky but no promises

Re:Direct Page - Search for Direct voice call in help files - not crazy, just the way it is.

Re:pKM Rant - is there a non-retorical question in there somewhere?

Re:COS - What functions are you looking for? 500 Features less than the 200, didn't know that (or believe it either)

Re:Door Box Function - There are ways and means, what is required.

Re:MOH - You want it to work without doing anything? The steps are simple and I might add clearly laid out in the manual.

Re: Incomplete Manual - well if you only read what you want, what do you expect?

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.

To address the 5224 issue. As I stated before the system does show an entry for the 5224 dual mode. It is nearer the bottom rather then where you would expect to find it further up the list. If you check your set and it says dual mode on the back you are ok. The 5224 was produced in "normal" and dual mode format at one time. I believe the dual mode simply meant it could be used in SIP mode as well as the standard Minet configuration.

MOH. Seem to remember you needed to strap the E&M card at the BIX field for MOH. If using the embedded, the file needs to be a not larger then a certain size and must be in a particular format befoe it wil work. Never had a problem getting the embedded to work.

Direct Page. Believe the flashing is to let the user know that auto reply is on so they aren't there saying "who is this jerk calling" to a live phone. You may not agree but that's how it works. Also the direct page key is only to invoke the feature. What you might be able to do is program a simple speed dial key with the code for direct page, followed by a pause ( or two ) and then the DN. That might work.

Finally the voicemail needs to be setup correctly for MWI to work. Would check that first. What type is it by the way.

I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.
Sorry as well Southwell, I think you must have replied above while I was writing one of mine so I missed it. Let's beak it down by priority, virtually all of your issues are resolvable but solving them all at once will be onerous.

I'll start with VM

In the help files, see if you can find the section on 3300 defaults and compare your VM COS with the default one

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
To be more specific (now that I have access to a system)

In the help files, under:
- System Programming
- Using the Mitel configuration wizard
- Defaults applied to the 3300 ICP (at the bottom of the list)

You can see an example of how the ports should (can) be programmed.
You can ignore the specifics of actual port numbering and COS but compare the values.

COS for VM ports needs to be compared to the COS actually programmed on your system.

The VM Prompt Languages form will take care of your double prompt if you turn off the bilingual setting.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Thank you for all of your replies.

I should have waited longer and read more of the manual before getting frustrated. I didn’t initially program the system so I was left confused and in the dark.

Here is an update on some of the things I have been able to accomplish with both your help.

5224 dual mode – Yes I should slap myself for not scrolling all the way down the list. In one form it is under other devices and another form it is nearer the top but not listed numerically with the rest. The installer missed that also.

Voicemail MWI – I was able to get that working by following the manual step by step. Just took some time and clicking around. I believe the VM CoS did not have Message Waiting enabled. The visual voicemail was not playing back my messages because there was no Visual VM hunt group entered. Bilingual prompts was enabled for English twice. I disabled and it is fine working fine now just as you suggested for all VM issues.

CPN substitution – This was easier than I thought, just wasn’t patient enough. Although I haven’t figured out how to route trunk DID’s yet I am still working on that. Before it was the Digit Translation Table. I’ll try and work on that tonight.

Direct Page – Direct voice call as you suggested kwb seems to be most like how we use to operate. To make it operational it seems to only work with a feature access code. I programmed a CDE speedcall key with the code and press the user DSS key and it works. I didn’t see a line type to program it otherwise. The only downside of doing it this way is that when the operator uses this method to transfer a call this way she must press transfer then cde speedcall then the user then release but when releasing the call the caller is directly placed on the users handsfree speaker without it ringing the phone. If I try this same method but using the Direct Page key instead when releasing the call it immediately rings back to me. Maybe something in the call rerouting or intercept? I am still trying to get familiar with those forms.

MoH - I was able to get MoH to work. I didn’t realize the circuit on the controller could be assigned for multiple purposes, that is why I was confused that a fixed MoH port on the back of the controller didn’t initially work.

Call rerouting – I am trying to work out in the best way from the previous system how incoming calls are properly routed. We had attendant consoles before with LDNs for a few different DIDs. I can’t figure out where the installer initially programmed them. What I would like is for all DIDs to go to the console during the day, which right now they are. After so many rings I would like those calls to be routed to the auto attendant in case the operator steps away. Is this done in the intercept form? Second if the caller then presses 0 during the auto att I use to have it ring a ring group that rang whatever phones were listed. Right now if they step away during day service it eventually gives a reorder tone. This is probably most important so callers aren’t sent to a reorder tone if they step away.

I had much more sleep last night so I am in a much better mode. Please forgive me for my previous rants. I’m slowly getting there. Just takes time.

Thank you again.
Not Bad, Definitely making progress.

Call rerouting is super easy on the 3300.

Each device (or LDN) can be set to reroute to any valid destination.

On a 200, all DN's are redirected at once via the Form 19 Attendant Night Access Points. On the 200 if COS option 107 is enabled on the Console COS the calls will redirect to the N1 point after timer 118.

On a 3300, you must define the destination first in one form, and then assign it against the DN.
- For immediate Reroutes, you define the destination in form Call Rerouting Always assignment form. Then assign the index number under Day, N1 and or N2 in the Call Rerouting Form.
- For reroute on busy no answer, you define the destination in Call Rerouting first alternative form. Again you assign a DN to reroute in the Call Rerouting form but this time in the first alternative column.
- Ignore 2nd alternative for now.
*** Best Practice is to leave reroute destination 1 blank in all forms (default = no reroute)

Typically, the VM is the destination for 1st Alt #2 and the setting for a phone with VM in the Call Rerouting form is 1 1 1 2 1

Your installer left you high and dry and you needed to vent, I get it now. Thanks for taking the extra time and effort to get past that, much easier to help now.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Direct Voice Call:

I'm not sure why this would be used in a transfer of a call situation but here is a way that might simplify things.
You can use system speedcalls to shorten the digits dialed and by using the import export functionality, you can quickly add as many as you need.
Lets say the Direct voice call Feature code is *19
Lets Say your Extensions run the range of 200-399

So right now you would have to transfer to *19300 (6 digits)

We could add a speedcall numbered 2*00 thru to 3*99
2*00 dials *19200
2*99 dials *19299
3*00 Dials *19300
3*99 dials *19399

So now you can transfer to either 3xx for a blind transfer or 3*xx for an announced transfer.

If you need to add a couple hundred you will definitely want to use import forms but we can get to that later.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
The only thing I see as not moving towards resolution is the door open capability.

What hardware do you have and how was it installed on the 200.

Typically these things connect via trunks but there are many types.

What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
For door open you might be able to use the paging relay on the controller somehow if you are using an E&M for your paging. The other option is source a ring detect relay on line. Hook it to an ONS port and to open the door you just dial the extension.

I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.
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