I wonder if it's possible to change the image A button to image B button on click then if the image B button is clicked again, it will change back to image A? Also, for each image, it has it's on function as well. Thanks.
I finally figured out what went wrong. I'm using Bangers code to do the swapping. First of all... I didn't even use that VBscript. However, when I put the button in my Top frame and the Active X in the mainFrame, I have to click twice on the stop button before it at stops. But that's the first time when stopping the audio. After that, all I need is one click and it works.
Can someone tell me what to do then? Especially Bangers/Ben, this is your code. I understand you encountered this problem before, and you initialized it at the button image. It didn't happen when I was testing in the main Window. But when I put in Frames, it happened. Is there another way to initialize it?
I've read some of the FAQs. And, I have been able to get the windows media player to work, with the swaping images. Now, I am looking to find out how to have a list of files to play with the media player and one universal stop button.
To make that more clear....
when you click on the song,
as in "song1" or "song2"...etc,
it plays the media file (which will be mp3)
and then, when you click the universal stop button,
the music will stop.
Also, say I click on "song1"... it should play that song, and then when I click on "song2" should just stop "song1" and start "song2."
HA!... i solved my own problem. I found I could accomplish the same thing, by making each song link to a non-visible frame, that would load up a page, with the embeded Media player, that would autostart the file, and then made a link, to act as the stop button, that would just load a blank page, on the same invisible frame, therefore cancelling the song.
all that javascript hooo haaa, was not needed.
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