alright, i've done tooooonnnnssss of searches on this and scans and blah blah, so i don't think there is a super simple answer to this.
i hope, however, that my two problems are connected.
first i get popups. they come through ie which i don't use, even when it's closed. i use firefox. or they come through firefox as i'm using it. i've lessened the distractions, but it's still hard to get stuff done with this annoyance. i've done all kinds of scans and eliminated all adware, but occasionally get virus warnings via anti-vir, my antivirus program.
next is my processor problem. i have an athlon 1.4ghz but it's been runnin veryslow since my popup problem. i've checked on this and i found it's most likely a problem. there are currently 7 svchost processes running individually. and one of them takes up between 40-70 percent of my cpu according to task manager. and the remaining percent is usually taken up by avguard.exe, my anti-vir guard program.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\User>tasklist/svc
Image Name PID Services
========================= ====== =============================================
System Idle Process 0 N/A
System 4 N/A
smss.exe 624 N/A
csrss.exe 672 N/A
winlogon.exe 696 N/A
services.exe 740 Eventlog, PlugPlay
lsass.exe 752 PolicyAgent, ProtectedStorage, SamSs
svchost.exe 932 DcomLaunch, TermService
svchost.exe 1008 RpcSs
svchost.exe 1100 AudioSrv, CryptSvc, Dhcp, dmserver, ERSvc, EventSystem, FastUserSwitchingCompatibility, helpsvc, HidServ, lanmanserver, lanmanworkstation, Netman, Nla, Schedule, seclogon, SENS, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, srservice, Themes, TrkWks, W32Time, winmgmt, wscsvc, wuauserv, WZCSVC
svchost.exe 1148 Dnscache
svchost.exe 1216 LmHosts, RemoteRegistry, WebClient
spoolsv.exe 1552 Spooler
nvsvc32.exe 1776 NVSvc
svchost.exe 1816 RpcxSs
svchost.exe 1836 stisvc
wdfmgr.exe 1852 UMWdf
MsPMSPSv.exe 1920 WMDM PMSP Service
alg.exe 580 ALG
rundll32.exe 2132 N/A
rundll32.exe 2172 N/A
iPodService.exe 3556 iPodService
AVGUARD.EXE 3024 AntiVirService
explorer.exe 7368 N/A
creatorc.exe 9816 N/A
firefox.exe 1864 N/A
cmd.exe 7068 N/A
tasklist.exe 3988 N/A
wmiprvse.exe 8936 N/A
as you can see, i have many svchost's running. idk if this is normal.
anyhelp would be appreciated, as i have tried everything i can think of 5 times.
p.s. i started burning a normal audio cd that takes 10-15 mins for me, and it took 180 mins to finish.
i hope, however, that my two problems are connected.
first i get popups. they come through ie which i don't use, even when it's closed. i use firefox. or they come through firefox as i'm using it. i've lessened the distractions, but it's still hard to get stuff done with this annoyance. i've done all kinds of scans and eliminated all adware, but occasionally get virus warnings via anti-vir, my antivirus program.
next is my processor problem. i have an athlon 1.4ghz but it's been runnin veryslow since my popup problem. i've checked on this and i found it's most likely a problem. there are currently 7 svchost processes running individually. and one of them takes up between 40-70 percent of my cpu according to task manager. and the remaining percent is usually taken up by avguard.exe, my anti-vir guard program.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\User>tasklist/svc
Image Name PID Services
========================= ====== =============================================
System Idle Process 0 N/A
System 4 N/A
smss.exe 624 N/A
csrss.exe 672 N/A
winlogon.exe 696 N/A
services.exe 740 Eventlog, PlugPlay
lsass.exe 752 PolicyAgent, ProtectedStorage, SamSs
svchost.exe 932 DcomLaunch, TermService
svchost.exe 1008 RpcSs
svchost.exe 1100 AudioSrv, CryptSvc, Dhcp, dmserver, ERSvc, EventSystem, FastUserSwitchingCompatibility, helpsvc, HidServ, lanmanserver, lanmanworkstation, Netman, Nla, Schedule, seclogon, SENS, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, srservice, Themes, TrkWks, W32Time, winmgmt, wscsvc, wuauserv, WZCSVC
svchost.exe 1148 Dnscache
svchost.exe 1216 LmHosts, RemoteRegistry, WebClient
spoolsv.exe 1552 Spooler
nvsvc32.exe 1776 NVSvc
svchost.exe 1816 RpcxSs
svchost.exe 1836 stisvc
wdfmgr.exe 1852 UMWdf
MsPMSPSv.exe 1920 WMDM PMSP Service
alg.exe 580 ALG
rundll32.exe 2132 N/A
rundll32.exe 2172 N/A
iPodService.exe 3556 iPodService
AVGUARD.EXE 3024 AntiVirService
explorer.exe 7368 N/A
creatorc.exe 9816 N/A
firefox.exe 1864 N/A
cmd.exe 7068 N/A
tasklist.exe 3988 N/A
wmiprvse.exe 8936 N/A
as you can see, i have many svchost's running. idk if this is normal.
anyhelp would be appreciated, as i have tried everything i can think of 5 times.
p.s. i started burning a normal audio cd that takes 10-15 mins for me, and it took 180 mins to finish.