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SV9100, one particular IP phone keeps disappearing

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Systems Engineer
Dec 18, 2017
We've got an SV9100 CP10 in one of our customers' sites. They have a number of Ascom i62 wireless handsets which are just set up as generic SIP extensions. Most of them work but one phone in particular keeps dropping off the system. I go into Filter Options, then IP Phone List and make sure that the extension for that phone is selected. I see the extension appear under IP* on the Blades page. I take a download from the system and I see that the extension has appeared on the list of IP phones and disappeared from IP*, which is great. I can see the phone details under SIP Terminal Settings. But a few moments later I take another download from the system and the phone has gone again. I can repeat the process but the same just keeps happening.

I suspect that there may possibly be a license issue of some kind - is anybody able to confirm please if a license shortage would cause the behaviour I've described?

Possibly, you need to count your licenses and verify and check your blade license in 10-XX to make sure it reflects "I think" 5103? shows at what you have. Also, make sure you aren't running out of IP addresses.

Is it possible that there is an IP address clash with something else on the network?
@CoralTech - I find the NEC licensing very confusing. I know that when you buy an SV9100 here in the UK it comes with various free licenses, including (I believe) 4 IP terminal licenses. I'll paste some license details from the system below. It's not an IP address shortage, the handset is still on the network on the same IP address that's usually assigned to it, and I can continuously ping it and browse to it from a server on the same network.

@OzzieGeorge - No IP address clash that I can see. The handset continues to respond to ping and I can browse to it so I know it's the correct handset on the correct IP address.

I took a packet trace from the SV9100 and it would appear that the handset is continuously trying to register with the NEC, but the NEC is rejecting it. Please see the snippet below:


If it was a licensing issue, would the NEC be rejecting the phone as we see in the snip, above?

So, here are the details for the licenses which I have obtained from Feature Activation within PCPro:

0300 System Port x 251
5101 DT IP Terminal x 25
5103 VoIP Channel x 44 (Blade License Setup says 36 and reverts to 36 if I change it to 44)
5111 IP Terminal x 9
5201 Mobile Extension x 4
7101 Extensions x 512

And here is a screenshot of part of the Blades page in PCPro, showing ports in use etc:


In the image above we see ext 5054 sat waiting to register with the NEC. A few moments after the screenshot was taken, it moved from IP* to IP. After a few seconds more, it once again disappeared.

The licensing numbers never seem like they add up, to me. I mean, the screenshot suggests that 278 ports are in use. But system port license quantity is only 251 according to Feature Activation. So there's a shortfall of 27 system port licenses if I read it correctly. But why then are there not 27 extensions that aren't working? Why would it affect only one phone? I don't understand.

Any further suggestions would be great if you don't mind taking a look at the license quantities etc, please.


Ps - Please let me know if you can't read the numbers in the screenshots. I thought it would be possible to click on them in the post and view them full size but that doesn't seem to work for me.
Hello bigdave1980,

Just a thought on this.....

I have experienced in the past that if IP phones were not deleted from the system properly, the system will keep a license allocated to it even though the phone no longer exists on the system.

The feature activation will not properly reflect the available license count when this occurs.

How many IP phones are currently registered to the system? 36?
You are right, that graphic is difficult. Please clarify your port count. How many SIP trunks, SLT and active IP phones? Can you provide a pic of the Feature Activation from WebPro?
And, for my edification, what are S-Point trunks used for? We don't use them in our area.
@OldNECguy Thanks for responding. I had a feeling the screenshot would be a problem, it seems to be limited to a certain size once added to the forum post. I will see if I can get a more useful one and the information you were asking for. The license quantities from Feature Activation are sandwiched between my 2 screenshots in my previous post but please let me know if there's anything additional you'd like to see. With regards to S-Point trunks, to be honest I have no idea what they are or what they're used for. The terms S-Point and T-Point don't mean anything to me at all, and I've been looking at NEC's for a fair few years now.
Ok so here's a better screenshot of the trunk quantities:


And here's one of the port quantities which I've truncated so it's not massive:


Info from Feature Activation which I think is relevant is as follows:

0300 System Port x 251
5101 DT IP Terminal x 25
5103 VoIP Channel x 44 (Blade License Setup says 36 and reverts to 36 if I change it to 44)
5111 IP Terminal x 9
5201 Mobile Extension x 4
7101 Extensions x 512
What is needed is the screen shot of your feat auth in webpro.
That helps, because it shows 2 VRS ports that consume System port licenses. Still, the WebPro Feature Activation screen would show 'Used Licenses' and 'Remain..Licenses' (and eliminate all the zero licenses). I see 216 SLT, 22 IP, 10 SIP Trunks, 2 VRS. Maybe a pic of the System Config/Cards would help, also.
What do you think, CoralTech?
Some quiet evening/morning you might 90-23 all the IP phones and see if they all come back. Test with one of those Ascom phones first, to see how fast they re-register. My 3CX device re-register in 2 minutes.
I'm not sure that VRS does consume ports, or at least you get 2 free when you buy the system if I understand it correctly. And I have just realised that you guys have been saying Feature Activation in WebPro but I've been looking at PCPro. I'm sorry about that, I'll get the details from WebPro uploaded here as soon as I can along with cards layout etc.

While you're getting that, what exactly do you show in 10-54 (from WebPro)?
Ok sorry it has taken me a while to come back with this, but here is the Feature Activation from WebPro:


And in answer to OldNECguy's request, here is what's in 10-54:


If there is anything else I can get which might help, please let me know.

Ok, first question what version of software are you running? I see version 2 but in reality?
@CoralTech Here's the info on the firmware and hardware versions etc:


When is the last time you generated a lic files for updated firmware?
Just a quick point here that many overlook or don't know (I hit this issue some time back) the numbering of your voip extensions can cause issues where there are gaps and you have two gaps, the system assigns licenses to the gaps and you suddenly find yourself short of licenses. I had a system with heaps of licenses but heaps of gaps and I couldn't add an extension, the choice was to rearrange the ports associated with the extensions to free up licenses or add yet more licenses. Considering the work required, the fact that the customer was looking to the replacement of the system and that we had some spare licenses in our license bank, I increased the license count.
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