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SuSE Linux slow on web

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Jan 9, 2002
I just installed SuSE 9.0 on a P667 w/ 128 MB RAM 32 MB Video card.

It seems to be DOG slow to pull up any type of web pages or anything on the web.

I have DSL modem connected directly to a router. I plug in my laptop to the router all of the time and never have issues.

I get the same response times from pings from the linux box and my windows box which are both hooked to the router. The windows box is super fast on the internet (it is a much faster machine).

I found an article on SuSE's site that talks about editing the /etc/route.conf file to add a window size to the file, but I don't have a route.conf file! I am figuring my network settings are incorrect, but I am a linux newb and don't know where to even access the settings. ANY HELP would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Which browser are you using? Most of the browsers for Linux are java based which in turn chews up a ton of memory and takes longer to load. You might also want to check to see if your card is hard set to use 100/Full Duplex.
I am using Konquerer<sp?>

I tried throwing 512MB of RAM into the machine, it did not help the issue. Any ideas with the route.conf file?
Thanks -
After reading the man pages, I concluded that the routes.conf file is no longer used (since SuSE 8.0) and that the routes file and ifcfg-eth0 (etc.) files are used instead. I didn't glean any information from THOSE man pages about adjusting settings for a slow internet connection.


try downloading and using opera instead?


&quot;There are 10 types of people in this World, those that understand binary, and those that don't!&quot;
Thanks - the issue is not in the DSL - that is hooked up fine through my router. I actually connect to the internet via DHCP connection from the router. I get fast pings. When I get to the box, I am going to test an ftp download to see if maybe it is just the browser as Skute suggested.

Again, thanks to everyone and your ideas are still welcome as the problem has not been fixed yet!


For Skute: &quot;There are 3 types of people in this world, those than can count, and those who can't.&quot;
To get an idea on whether or not it is a browser issue, you might also
try downloading a big file using &quot;wget&quot; or &quot;curl&quot; - I think SuSE installs
curl by default, as a part of that &quot;YaST Online Update&quot; thingie...

# curl -Ov
- should give you some idea of you download speed.
OK -
Once at the machine, I attempt to ftp to ftp.suse.com. It hangs for a good long while before it connects. In fact, in the time it takes to even give me the username: prompt, I can wheel over to my Windoze box (connected to the same router), ftp into ftp.suse.com, log in, get a directory listing, drill down a few, download a file, and log off. The username: prompt will show up on the SuSE box a few seconds later.

What I have eliminated: browser & related software, DSL modem, machine specifications (threw a bunch of RAM at it).

What I think the problem is but do not know where to start: network configuration or something related

I have the appropriate gateway set (or so I think). It at least points to my router like it should. I can't find anywhere to set a subnet mask or to ensure that this is correct. Just a hypothesis.

Thanks for the ideas so far - new ideas welcome!!

am not sure how DSL handles this stuff, but for a ppp (dialup) connection,
there is a file named &quot;/etc/resolv.conf&quot; that tells the system where to go
for DNS lookups. If you have that file, you might check to see that it points
correctly to your ISP's nameservers.
OK - here is what I gleaned from the curl -Ov:

It downloaded the file really fast. The PROBLEM is that it took it approximately 2 minutes to connect to the file. Once it was &quot;connected&quot; - smooth sailing.

Does this sound like a DNS issue?

> Does this sound like a DNS issue?
Looks like we posted at the same time.
( See above )
Actually I'm not dialing w/ DSL from the linux box. The router handles that and I get DHCP from the router. So it's just like I have LAN ethernet internet access - so I don't think the resolv.conf file will help here. I have tried messing with all of the ethernet card settings (auto obtain IP/not, autofind DNS/not, etc.).

I think I'm going to try to install Slackware. It's all for experiementation anyway - I need to be able to write scientific programs. But I also need access to the internet in order to research simultaneously.

Any other last stitch guesses are still welcome!

Just a wild guess - are you running &quot;SuSEpersonal-firewall&quot; ?

If so, you might try running (as root):

# SuSEpersonal-firewall stop

- and see if that helps.
Just run YAST2, and you can assign an IP (don't use DHCP), verify your subnet mask and gateway. You should also assing your ISP's dns servers, your computer should point to their dns servers.

Matt J.
I have a friend who's ftp server tries to finger you when you connect. Since my iptables rules DROP those attempts, my connection seems to stall for a good 30-45 seconds before logging in. It's not a misconfiguration really, just something he chooses to do (I think to intentionally tick off some of his users ;-) ). If the firewall rules would REJECT instead, so that the server knows immediately to stop trying, the connection would be made more quickly. You may have a similar situation?

It could also be a reverse-dns lookup being done by the server. Your ISP may not have that configured correctly, or at least not to the server's liking.

Sounds like IPV6.
It's trying to connect to an inet6 address first then
it will fail and go to an inet4. Problem I was having.
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