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Suse 9 and internet access Problem

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Apr 22, 2003
I have a install of Suse 9.2 and two network cards each with a public static ip. The gateway has been set to the router ip, which is also a public router. What I can do is ping any web address and that works properly. The problem is when I come to visit the web page through the web browser, which is the default suse one, the request times out on port 80.

I have tried this with my apache server disabled.

Any help would be good.

If your apache server is disabled, what do you expect to answer on port 80?
What I expect to happen is normal internet browseing, ie treating the suse 9 box as a workstation. I disabled apache in case that was affecting normal internet access.
I'm sorry, I misread the original post. Is you router doing any port redirection or anything? Is the browser set up to use a proxy? Can you telnet to another web server, say google.com, on port 80 and type:
GET / HTTP/1.0
then hit "Enter" twice. You should get HTML dumped in response.
* Router is not doing any port re-direction
* Browser is not set up to use a proxy
* Have not tried telent to a web server will try later and post the result.

Ok thanks for all your posts, I have worked it out, it turns out that the firewall was turned on, which for some reason stoped me from getting out. (Thought a firewall stopped people from getting in) never mind. Once again thanks from all you posts, its nice to know there are people willing to share their knowledge.

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