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SUS question

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Mar 25, 2002
OK Guys, could you please clear something up for me with regards to SUS: do I need to be running AD? at present we are still on a NT4 domain structure ( soon to be migrating ) we have quite some win 2k and win xp PC's on the network and would really benefit from using SUS, I've managed to install SUS on one of our win 2k servers and have received updates, but the problem I have is to be able to get the clients to get the updates from the SUS server ie, they just won't, I've tried all the reg edits to point to the SUS server but still nothing. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be grateful.

thanks trackhappy, checked out the url but all I can find are documents but no actual tools, just had a scan through the documents but non ( that I can see ) mention anything apart from what I have already tried, if you or anyone else has any more info please share it.

just one thing, i tried to run MBSA to check if I could connect the SUS server and it fails, says it Could not get SUS data from server does this mean there is a problem with my sus server setup? i can synchronise fine with the windows update server so there is no problem there...

You can not access the server using through a web browser.

After doing the registery punches it can take a long time for the cycle to complete. Could take upto 48 hours.

Look through the FAQ section at They have ways to triger a detection, plus additonal troubleshooting techniques to analyize your problem.
the client software you need is included as part of SP3 for Windows 2000 and SP1 for XP .... unfortunatley there is no client for NT4.

There is a custom template ... wuau.adm ... that can be added to a GPO to configure the software settings for the clients.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Mr toledo, I've tried the triggers but still nothing is downloaded to the client...I've been playing with this for approx 3 weeks now so I would hoped it have completed the cycle by now so I'm not quite sure what is wrong, do you know if there is anything to test the sus server to see if it is sending out updates?

Acraib, I'm not using policies as I'm currently using a NT4 domain, don't know if this is my problem, but I've added the registry settings etc... i've found to point to the sus server, i've even tried putting in the ip address of the sus server but still nothing.

Any more ideas guys?

if I remember when I read the documetation if says that SUS doesn't support NT4 clients.
You should have at lest SP 3 on the machines to receive the updates. Otherwise, you have to install the sus client.

Look again at the registry settings to make sure that everything is okay.
Try checking your IIS logs. When I was troubleshooting my installation, I would check the logs to see if my SUS clients were connecting. You should see entries with "wutrack.bin" in them, and when updates are downloaded you should see the names of the update files in the log.

If you aren't seeing these entries, then there is something wrong with the registry entries on your clients. You should also check the event logs on your clients, in your system log there should be entries with a source of "automatic updates" when your client connects to the SUS server to check for udpates (this time varies, you'll have to filter or sort to look for the entries). Also, check the Automatic Updates tab (on XP machines) in your system properties. I'm using GPO to deploy the Auto updates settings, and on a configured client, the properties and controls in the Automatic Updates tab should all be grayed out. I think on w2k machines, you can get to Automatic Updates in control panel.

Sounds like it is a registry thing. I would double check your reg settings after checking your logs. I had similar problems in my deployment and at first wasn't sure the source of the prob and thought it was the SUS server.

Hope this helps,
Michael Pare
hi there, just to clarify, I'm not using NT4 clients, it's just I'm using/in a NT4 domain structure ie. not Active Directory, the SUS server is Win2k and the test client I'm using is WinXP, i've double checked all reg entries on the client and ( as far as I can tell ) all are correct according to the SUS deployment guide, checked the logs on the SUS server and nothing at all, even the windows update log on the client PC is empty ( except for entries when I performed a windows update some time ago ) this really has me beat as I don't know what to look at next.

Thanks for all your replies if you can think of anything I may have missed or think of something I could try next I'd be grateful.

Did you make a DNS CNAME record to point your clients to the SUS Server? Your DNS server should have at least two records for your SUS server. The first should be an 'A' record with your SUS Servers hostname and IPAddress. The second should be a 'CNAME' record with points the clients to 'A' record of the server.

Lets say your SUS servers hostname is:

SUS1 with IP And when you setup your SUS server during the install you said that clients would use to get to your SUS1 server. Then when you create your 'CNAME' record with ALIAS 'SUSServer' and For Host DNS Name. enter the FQDN for SUS1. Like 'SUS1.mycompany.com'.

If this does not help you, then try on one of your clients to put the ipaddress of the susserver instead of the hostname in the registry.
Instead of configuring using registry, you can also set it up using local policy. It's the same procedure as using group policy... get the wuau.adm file from the server with SUS installed ( in the windows folder). Use gpedit.msc and add the wuau.adm file in admin templates. Then in Admin Templates, Windows Components modify your settings. Give this a try and see if it helps.
hi stiddy, tried this last week but still got nothing, the only thing I'm a bit dubious about is that there was already a web service set up on this server that run the sales reports from, could this be interfering with SUS? does SUS have to be installed on it's own ie. with no other 'web sites' set up on the server, I installed it on here because it was the only free server we had. LMK what you think.


Oh no, I think that might be your problem then. See, when your clients come to the SUS to check for updates, they are sent to whatever IIS's default web page is set to. When you setup SUS it should have changed that for you. I would have thought that the sales reports web page would have stopped working. So, lets look into how the IIS should be setup. I will path out how mine is setup. Keep in mind that this servers only purpose is SUS.

Default Web Site = C:\inetpub\_vti_bin = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\40\isapi

content = D:\SUS\content\cabs
Selfupdate = D:\SUS\content\selfupdate
autoupdate = C:\inetpub\SUSAdmin = C:\inetpub\dictionaries = \dictionaries

Hope that helps, maybe its in your setup of IIS....Stiddy
Well your in luck. I too have a mixed domain of NT,2000, and XP computers. Forget about SUS, unless you want to update all your PC's to WinXP. I use a freeware software called HFNetChkPro4 from Shavlik Technologies. You do not need a client agent running on your workstations, and you can update NT,2000,and XP Pro at the same time. Go to their website and download the freeware. Good luck.
Well your in luck. I too have a mixed domain of NT,2000, and XP computers. Forget about SUS, unless you want to update all your PC's to WinXP. I use a freeware software called HFNetChkPro4 from Shavlik Technologies. You do not need a client agent running on your workstations, and you can update NT,2000,and XP Pro at the same time. Go to their website and download the freeware. Good luck.

Philote, yep can get to the SUSAdmin page no problems, but I do think there is a problem with the setup as per stiddys reply, I'm no expert with IIS so I'll ask one of my colleagues to take a look....Jimv I just checked out the software and the free version only works on 10 workstations and 1 server so we would need to purchase the full version but thanks for that it's something to think of...

Guys thanks so much for all your help and suggestions, I think I'm alot closer to solving this problems now, I'm going to install a new win2003 server and put SUS on that with no other websites so I know it is the default website and see how that goes, I'll let you know if this solves our problems.

Thanks again for your help.

One other thing that we struck, was downloading from a "master" SUS server didn't work unless the service was running under a domain account rather than the system account. Could this be a possibility for your issue as well? We use a Domain Admin account which is specially restricted for the purpose.
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