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Survey: What do you use VFP for mostly?

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May 17, 2000
I'm curious what types of application designs everyone is using VFP for mainly in whole or in part.

Monolithic - single or multi user
VFP front end
VFP back end
Web Services

I'm thinking but I could be way wrong is that most VFP developers still use it mainly in monolithic apps.

I'm also curious what percentage of VFP developers are utilizing VFP in a WinDNA environment with like MTS or COM+, MSMQ et al. Thanks John Durbin
MCP Visual FoxPro
ICQ VFP ActiveList #73897253
We're using an n-Tier design pattern, our own framework based on CodeBook 3.
And, except for some old ported stuff, utilize the OOP-capabilities of VFP.
Diederik Vermeeren
I am using VFP to write COM+, Front-End and mostly Monolithic application

Jimmy Le
I totally fell in love with the OOP possibilities of VFP.

So n-Tier is most of the times the way to go (IMHO..;-)).

Weedz (Wietze Veld)

They cling emotionally to code and fix development rather than choosing practices based on analytical assesments of what works best.

After the GoldRush - Steve McConnell
Currently, I'm only using VFP for data cleansing and reporting (via HTML) using data in various SQL Server databases. While VFP isn't an "official" tool used by my employer, it makes short work of a lot of things that are difficult or impossible in SQL Server/T-SQL/DTS. Robert Bradley
Got extra money lying around? Visit:
Currently, I'm mostly using it for data scrubbing, analysis, reporting(similar to Robert) using data from SQLS, Informix, Oracle, Access, & some VFP databases.

I also still use it to develop monolithic apps when the app's sole purpose is to perform a simple process or two.

I also maintain a couple of nTier apps, but arent doing any new development on them.

I've also recently been developing some middle-tier COM objects (mostly for serving data in various formats) for the web guys, but to this point they have chosen not to utilize COM+ because the number of concurrent users rarely exceeds 3 or 4.


I've noticed EPS Software in your signature for the last month or so. Does this mean you are working with Markus E. and Ellen W.? Jon Hawkins

The World Is Headed For Mutiny,
When All We Want Is Unity. - Creed
Thanks you guys. Jon, yea. I'm back in St Louis now but will be back in Houston again next week. VFP can be effectively used in so may ways I'm trying to get an appreciation for what/how it's mostly used for by developers. I sometimes wonder if current movements reflect needs and desires or what. Right now this is just my personal curiousity.

Haven't been here on Tek Tips much lately. It's nice to be in touch again with you guys. I've been learning lately how much I need to learn. It's scary :eek: Back to more the subject, if any of you read CoDe magazine in one of the issues Markus talked about how there has been sluggish movement on part of the developers moving to new technolgies and methodologies. For me it had to do with the lack of knowledge and the lack of greater sized projects. (though ntier design can benefit any size project) Aside from the Microsoft strategies is anyone using like XCase, UML and other modeling tools? Do you feel they would or would not be beneficial? Why or why not? John Durbin
MCP Visual FoxPro
ICQ VFP ActiveList #73897253
Hey Jon you're not in Houston are you? I haven't been to a user group meeting yet. I think I just missed this month's being here in St Louis. Anyone here in Houston?

BTW, is it ok to chatter in the forums a bit? I don't know :eek: John Durbin
MCP Visual FoxPro
ICQ VFP ActiveList #73897253

I'm presently mostly learning FoxPro rather than using it, though I am doing one little project for for the place my wife works. (They have a SQL7 database with a FoxPro front end.)

BTW the local FoxPro users group (El Zorro) just had Marcus and Ellen here to give a talk (she on Do Case and he on Com.) Learned a lot from both talks. -- Dave

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