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Supress page footer in some pages

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Jun 2, 2004
Hi Guys

I am a newbie to Crystal reports and I use Crystal Reports10.

I need to suppress the page footer in some pages. How to do that? I saw one example in Crystal help, which says how to suppress the footer if you know the page number. But I don't know the page number, as the report size depends upon the number of records in the database. I know which sections should have the footer. Anybody can give me some clue how to go ahead with this?

It sounds pretty basic to me. Of if anybody can point me to how to use multiple page footers, I can use that too.

Thanks alot
suppress the page footer in some pages

There should be some condition... whats that? Put that in a formula for the Page Footer suppressing.



Thanks alot for the reply.

I got around 10 sections in this report. I want the footer only for the first 3 sections. I don't have any other conditions. Is there anyway I can create a condition? Please give me some example. I really appreciate any links or any details.

Thanks again,
What do you mean by "sections"--are you referring to groups or pages or literally to group header, detail, group footer sections? Please explain how the "sections" relate to the pages and give a little more detail about what you're trying to do.

Sounds like a creative report design.

You can suppress any section by right clicking it and selecting Format Section->X 2 next to suppress, and then base the suppression on the page number, as in:

pagenumber > 3

Sorry for the delay in my reply. I divided Details into many sections, to add lot of different things. (This report basically consists of different letters. User, from the front-end, will select which reports to show) So each detail section can be a single page or multiple pages. I would like to have the page footer only for first few sections. For rest of the detail sections, I should not show any page numbers or any other detail. If I know how many pages, then I can suppress by providing the page number. But I would not know that as the size of each detail section can vary from 1 page to multiple number of pages.

Cool Chandra...

Insert a new string formula onto your report... You need not display that in the Report. Change the formula's value whenever the details section changes and based on the value of the formula, suppress the Page Footer with a formula next to suppress on right clicking in the Page Footer.

like (in vb syntax)
if (newformula = "suppress") then
formula = true
end if

It might help.


Hay Ravi

Thanx alot man. But as I said I am a newbie, I don't know how to find out when the details section changes ("whenever the details section changes") .

Can you please tell me how to do it. I tried to do lot of things, but none of them worked. I am sorry about this dumb question, but please help me out man.

Thanks alot,

You still haven't given us much detail to work on so it's impossible to know what you need.

What tables are you using, linking and displaying?
What are you selecting?
What groups are you creating?
What is in each section?
What is your expected output?

yes... a detailed paragraph abt ur report pls!


Thanks alot guys. I am really sorry, if I am not very clear in my postings. I will try to give you the complete picture below. (I don't see anyway to attach the report for your information. If this is not clear, then I will provide the report over the web)

This is basically a report which will have lot of text pages. As I said, I have divided my Details section into around 12 sections. Each section's content is similar to the one following

Detail Section 1

The land with the buildings thereon situated in {city}, {County} County, {State} known and being numbered {Address}:

Being on the easterly side of {Address} containing {area} square feet, more or less, and being shown as {lot} which plan is recorded with {RegistryName} in Book {book}, Page {page}, and to which plan reference may be had for a more particular descriptin of said {lot}.

Detail Section 2
{Schedule A}

The data is retrieved from database using "only one" stored procedure, which returns just "one row". (There will be only one record for one report. So it is not like a typical Detail section, where there will be multiple number of records returned). The data retrieved from this sp, used in all the sections (Basically same data fields are used in most of the sections).

I have such similar text in rest of the sections. (I used different sections, because I need to suppress some sections if user don't want to see them. I provide him the input screen where he selects which sections to show. So, I suppress the sections not selected by the user) Since I am using the same data in rest of the sections, I use only one stored procedure to get the data.

I am not creating any groups. I just divided Details into 12 sections. I don't have a page header, but I have only page footer. I need the page footer for only first 5 sections. For these sections I need to show N of M pageNumber(1 of 5 pages.. etc.) For rest of the pages, I should not show these page numbers. (When the user takes the print out, he is going to present the data in first 5 sections as a Title and get's the client's signatures on that. Looks like it is the format of that document to have that page numbers.) Rest of the sections, I have things like this.

Prepared For: {BankName}

Prepared By: {AgentName}

Requested by: {DocumentControlOffice}

Telephone: {OfficePhone}
Report Date: {ReportDate}
Customer Reference: {ReferenceNumber}

This is to cirtify that the borrowers are present at the time of......

These are more like letters. Each section goes in a single page when the user prints out. (So, NewPageBefore is selected for these sections). Since each letter going to be in one page, I don't need the footer in this. My boss don't want to compromise on that. I told him that I will divide this into two reports, with first few 5 sections as one report and rest of the pages as second report, but he don't want that eiter. He wants the customer to see all the pages in one report and print it like wise.

This is my situation guys. I hope I have enough information. If there are doubts, you can send me a mail at cankalu at ataclosings dot com.

Thanks alot for your patience. Thanks again.
Hi Guys

I could solve the problem by using the WhilePrintingRecords function. I declared a varible isFooter and set the value to 1 in Report Header and set it to 0 in the sections I don't want the footer to be printed. It worked like a charm.

Thanks alot for your input.
This happens sometimes!!!

You tell a problem and very soon, you find a solution yourself... Good!


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