I built a report that contains 30 subreports designed to make multiple mail labels for a single record. (laid out in a 3 x 10 Avery 5160 format) I have been able to use a single number parameter and conditional suppression formula for each subreport to make it so I can print a specific number of labels. If I want to print 10 I can enter 20 in my parameter and it omits that number of the labels. I want to use the same type of method to specifically tell the report which labels that the report produces. So if I enter 7 - 10 in my parameter range, subreports 1-6 and 11-30 would be suppressed. This would be beneficial to allow for easier use of all the labels on a sheet. If I print 6 of one record and then can flip the sheet over and print 6 of another, I have 18 labels left in the middle of the sheet that are pretty useless unless I try to move them to the top of the page. The logic in the suppression formula for the 3rd label subreport position would be like "Not 3 in {?rangeparameter}". When I try this I get a boolean is required here. I also tried "3 < minimum({?rangeparameter}) or 3 > maximum({?rangeparameter})". This one just does not return any results which baffles me. This logic basically would be if I selected 5 - 7, 3 would less than my minimum and therefore suppress the subreport. If I selected 1 - 2, 3 would be greater than the maximum and therefore suppress the subreport. If I select 2-4 then neither less than or greater to apply and it should not suppress the subreport. I cannot understand why this one did not work. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.