I have a crystal report that I created, the report returns all current clients. I have grouped clients using the Group expert, by facility name. How can I suppress the clients by facility that I don't want showing up in the report?
Thank you both for your qucik response. I was able to write a crude and simple formula that suppressed the desired field. Thanks lbass for guiding me in the right direction.
I have a report that is grouped by the following
Service code
Reciept Number
Patient Name
In the details section I have a field "amount paid" I have three types of payments cash, check or credit card. At the end of the report I need to have a grand total amount for each type of payment. I can only figure out how to get the grand total of all three using sum. Thanks in advance to who can help.
Please start a new thread when you have a new topic. The easiest solution would be to insert a crosstab in the report footer that uses payment type as the row, and amount as the summary.
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