Technical User
What is wrong with this popup menu? It works the first time but when I try to run it the second time it always thinks that the bar is 3 and so does not become activated. I have even tried quitting foxpro and it still does not work. However, I have used the same design for the other four popup menus in this application and they all work fine.<br><br>Thank you,<br>Grainne Evans<br><br>define popup suppmenu from 10,10 to 14,40<br>define bar 1 of suppmenu prompt " Add Supplier"<br>define bar 2 of suppmenu prompt " Supplier Search"<br>define bar 3 of suppmenu prompt " Return to Maintenance Menu"<br>on selection popup suppmenu do exesupp<br>do while bar() <> 3<br> wait wind 'Within the do while loop'<br> set color to n/b<br> clear<br> do titlesupp<br> set color to n/w<br> activate popup suppmenu<br>enddo<br>wait window 'After the do while loop' + str(bar())<br>clear<br><br>procedure titlesupp<br>wait window 'Within the title procedure'<br>set color to n/w+<br>set border to double<br>@4,10 to 8,40<br>@6,24 say "Supplier Menu"<br>set border to<br>set color to n/w<br>return<br><br>procedure exesupp<br>wait window 'Within the execute supplier procedure'<br>do case<br> case bar() = 1<br> hide popup suppmenu<br> do suppadd<br> case bar() = 2<br> hide popup suppmenu<br> do suppsear<br>endcase<br>wait window 'After the end case procedure'<br>clear<br>release all<br>deactivate popup suppmenu<br>clear all<br>return<br><br>procedure suppadd<br>wait window 'In the add routine'<br>return<br><br>procedure suppsear<br>wait window 'In the search routine'<br>return<br>